Author: Dr. Deep Arya

Bounce Back Post Covid
The Impact of COVID-19 on Recovery and Rehabilitation: As COVID-19 attacks the body and mind — our rehabilitation efforts aim to restore the whole person, helping you return to your previous quality of life. Common impairments of COVID-19 include weakness, Read more

Pregnancy Is to Be Enjoyed Not Suffered
Tips to maintain Physical fitness for to-be mothers: ☆ Trick is to do everything but in limit so BALANCE is the key to avoid falling prey to over training and vice versa. ☆ Physical exercise both Pre and Post is Read more

Gym Free Workout
You don’t always need equipment or a gym subscription to workout. You can use your own body weight as an excellent “equipment” for a full-body workout – anytime, anywhere. Getting health benefits from physical activity is easier than you think, Read more

Don’t miss out the Squats
Doing squats is just one of the numerous ways to burn calories and to have gains, but this one is really the spade of all the types of exercises. Being a spade means you need to invest more on how Read more

Wondering how to loose weight ???
Your weight gain is not because of what you have eaten from Christmas to New yearBut it is because of what & how you have eaten from New Year to ChristmasBelow are a few tips for those who need help Read more

Worried about your weight ??? You should be….
Every extra kg on the Your body equals 3 KG of pressure on the spine. This may come as a surprise for many, yet it is true. Think of it like this: extra weight = extra stress on the spine Read more

Blood Sugar & Exercise
It is an established fact that regular physical exercise has wonderful effects on the overall health of a person. People of all ages can reap the benefits of exercise that take manifestation in all the various systems of the human Read more

RememberGo easy and slow,Many fitness enthusiasts have started heading back to their training centers to make up for the lost time in the lockdown.But you have to be careful about your general health before hitting the gym. Start your Cardio Read more

Treadmill vs jogging
It is a debate which has been going on for a while now. There are a few who will suggest to run on a treadmill as it is convenient. However, there are others also who strongly support outdoor jogging, because Read more