How To Rise After The Spiritual Fall by Prerna Gupta

How To Rise After The Spiritual Fall
How To Rise After The Spiritual Fall?
Even experienced that you were doing good in the spiritual practices and everything in your life
was working out and then, you seemed to hit a patch of bad luck, and all that you worked for
started falling.
Spiritual fall is real. When God takes you under His shade and blesses you with all the graces,
be grateful, be humble, and remember you are not God. Most people are boastful and prideful.
Once you let the seeds of pride grow in you, you will go far away from your spiritual teacher, and
without the spiritual teacher, your growth will stop and further you will fall deeper into the real

How To Avoid Spiritual Fall?
The best way to avoid spiritual fall is to practice character-building. In almost every religion and
spiritual school, they teach a code of ethics to be followed. Some of the most important ones
common among all of them are listed below:
1. Be loving, kind, and compassionate towards yourself and others.
2. Do not harm yourself or others based on the truth that all living beings are children of
3. Be generous and kind. Serve as much as you can with your finances, time, and effort.
4. Practice non-stealing in all forms i.e. physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
5. Practice a mature type of honesty and do not hurt others with truth that can be avoided.
6. Avoid self-pride and superstitions.
7. Work with consistency and a one-point focus toward your goals without leaving the work
in the middle.
8. Avoid laziness in all forms and immediately come out of it.
9. Live a life of moderation.
10. Do not work excessively or enjoy all the time. Both are bad for the body and mind. Live a
life of balance.

Will Things Over Be Good After The Spiritual Fall?

Yes, everything in life may seem bleak now but once you try to make amends and live life
rightfully again, it will all work out and the lessons learned during the fall will inspire and guide
you throughout your life.

Prerna Gupta

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