WEIGHT LOSS for working Mom

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(Be the best version of you)

Losing weight isn’t easy and being in a full-time job doesn’t make it any easier. Time management that’s the key to many things, we all have excuses I don’t have time but it’s not surprising to know that the only way to accomplish any goals personal or professional is time management.If you don’t list it down and assign a certain time slot for it, it simply will not happen. A lot of things can get in the way of weight loss, especially when you are a working mom. Guilt about taking time away from your family, kids, time, low energy, household demands, your husband needs attention, dinner has to be prepared, work deadlines, parents, just to list a few.…(list is long)

We need to think are these excuses really valid? Can’t they be managed .Of course they can.

Acceptance, awareness and daily commitment is where it starts.

Excuses certainly won’t make the weight loss any easier or melt off the weight of you, like you hope it will every morning when you look at yourself in the mirror.

Why you need it?

Weight loss or being healthy is for yourself and not for others. You need to be healthy for your own and for your family. It is something that needs to be worked on every day, the best way to make sure that happens is to take care of yourself every day!

weight loss for working mom

How to do it?

  • The key words are Balance, Variety and Moderation.
  • Make it as a lifestyle change, not short term “diet”, set realistic goals.
  • Make healthy food choices, pick foods which are low in calorie, low in fat, good amount of protein and foods high in fiber, include fruits and vegetables at least twice a day.
  • Stay hydrated; drink at least 3 litres of water per day
  • Exercising regularly will help burn calories; maintain LBM, increases metabolism, promotes greater fat loss
  • Pack your lunch ahead to avoid last minute rush.
  • Sound sleep of about 7 – 8 hours is important as the amount of sleep you get directly affects your diet, people who are sleep deprived tend to weigh more and have more trouble losing weight
  • Reduce stress as people tend to overeating while stress, it affects muscles, tissues and also interfere with metabolism.

Working out and calorie counting always works but people do sometimes have struggle with weight loss at different stages of life due to different reasons.

Why is it worth it?

Weight loss or maintain healthy weight  is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of developing lifestyle related diseases; aids in health and overall well-being, weight loss at a slower rate decreases the likelihood of muscle loss and it is worth it to have a fitter and a better version of you .

Studies show that weight loss also reduces strain on the blood vessels, increases blood flow to the brain, and boosts overall brain function.

Laxmi Pandrala

Ms. Laxmi Pandrala
CEO Founder Lami.fit
Sports and Exercise Nutritionist


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