How To Lead A Great Life? by Prerna Gupta

How To Lead A Great Life
What Kind Of Life Do You Want To Lead?
Almost all the people in the world want to live a great life. But then what is your definition of a
great life? Is it driving a Roll-Royce Droptail? Or having a Falcon Supernova iPhone 6? Or
loving a partner and family? Or winning a Nobel Prize? Or becoming the President of the
It may be one of these things or an amalgamation of many things. But a great life is not that. A
great life is a life led by choice by a few and rare people of the world and these are the ones
who go ahead and create history.

What Is A Great Life?
A great life is one where a person has full control over his thoughts, emotions, habits, and
lifestyle in such a way that he can manifest wherever he wants almost immediately. A great life
is one where the energy or vibration of the person is always at a higher frequency and he is
grateful and blissful every moment of his life.

How Does the Energy World Work?
Everything in the world is energy and every energy has a certain frequency. So, the basic rule of
its working is that whatever frequency a person is vibing at the same if required of him by the
universe. It implies that if a person has thoughts and emotions of sadness in him then he is
going to attract people and situations in his life which will make him sad.
On the contrary, those who understand this simple law can also reflect on what their external
situation is and it is just the reflection of what is inside them. This is one of the easiest ways to
know what is inside you by reflecting on your situation and the people that you attract in your
How To Manifest What You Want?
Once you have reflected upon your external and internal cues then the next step is to
consciously work on them and change and rewire them by bringing changes to your words,
thoughts, and emotions.
For example, you have a very bad sleep cycle. Then keep repeating to yourself that I am a very
disciplined person and I sleep and wake up early. I love sleeping and waking up early. It is easy
for me to do so. Eventually, these new thoughts and words will replace the old patterns and you
will emerge victorious.

It is not just in the field of habits, but also the same concept can be applied to improving
physical health, building healthy relations, getting successful in a career, and elevation of
spiritual growth.

What Is The Source Of This Knowledge?
These teachings are strictly based on the school of Pranic Healing which offers tools,
techniques, books, and workshops to improve one’s life and manifest greatness.

What Is The Easiest And Practical Way To Change The Frequency?
Be grateful for all you have and all you want. Write a gratitude journal daily. It will allow your
consciousness to shift from problems to blessings and then you will attract lots of blessings in
your life.

Prerna Gupta


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