Walk with the Limp

Walk with the Limp

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it
shows me the stars.
~Og Mandino

Epictetus is one of the most unfortunate men who ever walked on this planet. He was born into slavery in 50 AD to Epaphroditus.

One summer afternoon, out of rage and frustration, Epaphroditus started twisting the leg of the Epictetus with all his strength. And it snapped- the leg. Epictetus to his surprise and all people around, neither cried nor moaned or complained.

In fact, spoke to his master plainly, “Didn’t I warn you?”
Such strength in character is remarkable. We all talk wise and honorable on our good days. But do we hold on to the love of our life when things start to get murky and distorted?

We curse. We are to blame. We break. We act cruelly.

Epictetus walked with a limp all his life and said, “Lameness impedes the leg, but not of the will.”

He had the option to turn grumpy and act viciously. But he made the choice to live and love life anyway.

You see, in every turn of life, we have options and choices. Option to break or make. The choice to embrace or run. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to us.

What do we choose to be?
How do we see ourselves? Are we a burden or a blessing?

Do we want to love life or curse it while we have it?

Things will happen. Seasons will change. What we have today, tomorrow will flutter. But despite all the changing fortunes of time, one question lingers around our hearts.

Do we commit to the bluebird sitting inside us to set it free one day even if everything drowns away in the peril of life?

So, what have we got limp? Let’s walk with the limp. But walk.
The journey is beautiful if we can learn to treasure the beauties we behold on the way: people we meet, songs we sing, dinners we eat, and sufferings we share.

It is in the simple acts of days we will find the greatest treasures of life.

So, what have we got a limp?
Let’s walk with the limp.
But walk.

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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