“Wrapped” (2015) by Roman Kälin, Falko Paeper & Florian Wittmann


The film delves into the clash between civilization and nature.

Wrapped Short film 2015

‘Wrapped’ is an experience much like meditation. The film is a delight to the senses in surprising ways. It may be disconcerting to watch while, at the same time, visually pleasing, intellectually stimulating and emotionally soothing.

Only a few months back, we began to hear news from different corners of the world about nature healing itself due to pandemic-related lockdowns. This film throws light on questions that we have all wondered about in the recent past – does human civilization have to suffer in order for nature to thrive? Will we always be at odds with nature, or can we all exist in harmony? The film responds to these thoughts, by showing the life cycle – birth, growth and ultimate death – an inescapable truth proving that ultimately we are all one.

Surbhi Dewan Surbhi Dewan,
Curator at ViewFinder, Saachibaat.com

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