1. The Board of Control for Cricket in India, BCCI, has announced the 15-member squad for India’s upcoming three-match ODI series against Ireland. Captain Harmanpreet Kaur and ace pacer Renuka Singh Thakur have been rested for the series. The ODI series will begin on January 10, with the second match scheduled for January 12 and the final match taking place on January 15. All games will be played at the Niranjan Shah Stadium in Rajkot.
2. In Squash, India’s Anahat Singh has stormed into the finals of the British Junior Open at Birmingham in England. She defeated Ruqayya Salem of Egypt 3-1 in the Semi-Finals of the Girl’s Under 17 singles title.
3. The Kho Kho Federation of India (KKFI) recently unveiled the trophies and mascots for the inaugural Kho Kho World Cup 2025, which will take place from January 13-19. The global event will feature men’s and women’s teams from 24 countries, bringing Kho Kho to the international stage.
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Ms. Pooja, |