Indian Air Rifle Men , Missed Chance, at Tokyo

Deepak Kumar and Divyansh Singh Panwar

Competing at Asaka shooting , other  two Indian competitors in the Men’s 10M Air Rifle, Deepak Kumar and Divyansh Singh Panwar also could not make much headway, finished 26thand 32ndin qualifying respectively.

Deepak shot a score of 624.7 while Divyansh was further back with 622.8. Both had a weak first series of 10-shots of which they scored 102.9 and 102.7 respectively and never recovered.


USA’s William Shaner, who had won the World Cup in New Delhi , earlier this year, won GOLD with yet another Olympic record score of 251.6.

Followed by  two Chinese, Sheng Lihao and Yang Haoran followed for SILVER & BRONZE.

Bhawna Khanna Bhawna Khanna
Sports Journalist

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