Hockey India on Wednesday named a nine-member Indian Men’s Hockey Team who will represent the country in the inaugural edition of the FIH Hockey 5s to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland on 5th and 6th June 2022. The Indian Men’s team will play Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland and hosts Switzerland.
The Indian team will be Captained by Gurinder Singh and Sumit will shoulder the responsibility as the Vice Captain.
The team is a mix of players from the Olympic Bronze Medal Winning squad as well as the FIH Junior World Cup held last year. This includes goalkeeper Pawan, defenders Sanjay, Mandeep Mor and Gurinder Singh. Midfielders Sumit and Rabichandra Singh have been called up along with forwards Dilpreet Singh, Mohd Raheel Mouseen and Gursahibjit Singh. Among the nine-member squad, Pawan, Sanjay and Rabichandra were also part of the Silver-medal winning Indian team at the Youth Olympic Games in 2018 where Hockey 5s format was played. They were also part of the Junior Men’s World Cup in Bhubaneswar, Odisha last year while Sumit and Dilpreet Singh were part of the Olympic Bronze medal-winning squad.
Additionally, Prashant Kumar Chauhan, Boby Singh Dhami and Sudeep Chirmako have been named as standbys for FIH Hockey 5s in Lausanne.
Chief Coach Graham Reid who will accompany the team said, “The Hero FIH Hockey5s tournament in Lausanne will provide an opportunity to showcase a different version of our game. We are excited about the prospect of playing fast entertaining hockey at a great venue against world class opposition in a beautiful country.”
“We have chosen a team that while maybe on the younger side contains multiple players who have played the format before at the Youth Olympics. At the same time this tournament provides another opportunity for players to experience international hockey played at its best,” Reid added.
The team is scheduled to leave from Bengaluru on 1st June 2022.
Team list:
1. Pawan
2. Sanjay
3. Mandeep Mor
4. Gurinder Singh (Captain)
5. Sumit (Vice Captain)
6. Rabichandra Singh
7. Dilpreet Singh
8. Mohd Raheel Mouseen
9. Gursahibjit Singh
1. Prashant Kumar Chauhan
2.Boby Singh Dhami
3.Sudeep Chirmako