GET …. SET…. GO : 8 hrs to go for biggest Sporting Extravaganza

tokyo olympics 2021

Let’s cross the figure for the biggest international Sporting Event , going to start soon .
The Enthusiasm, Anxiety, No Doubt  Heart beats  also is high of all of Organizers, Citizens of Nations , Athletes, staff, Fans ,family Members even of All of us. As it was formally scheduled on 24 July 2020- 9 august 2020 but was announced postponed on 24th march 2020  by the IOC president & Tokyo organization committee,  jointly, due to Covid 19 pandemic outbreak  But later  rescheduled for 23 July 2021 – 8th august 2021 & after facing several shocks finally it is going to start., just   after 8 hours.

Tokyo Olympics 2020  at glance …

  • First Olympics in history which was not cancelled as earlier due to 1st & 2nd world war  but rescheduled.
  • 1st Olympic to have Brand name , One preceding year.
  • The eminent educated group of citizens (doctor, lawyers, educationist), are protesting still for the event  .

What’s   new in this Olympic  ???

  • Despite of Covid pandemic mostly countries are sending its biggest /largest contingent in this Olympics.
  • Recycle material is being used all over.
  • Podium is made up of waste material collected from citizen’s homes.
  • The Ceremonial costumes are made up of recycled Enviournmentally  friendly Fiber.
  • Beds at hotels  are made of recycle cardboard
  • Spectators not allowed  overseas due to Covid pandemic.
  • Recently games Chief allowed upto 10,000 spectators onto competition venues but to observe strictly Covid Protocols    & with Suppress Festive Mood” Directions.
  • Tough “Fans rules” are also announced.

“NO Alcohol, NO, Hugs, No Cheers & No  Autograph”

  • All athletes to show “RTPC negative test report” & “Covid Vaccinated Certificate” before grounded at Tokyo .
  • Athletes are to follow “Play Book”& strictly directed to go for RTPC test daily, To eat alone, Refrain from taking or Gossiping  during the period.
  • Not to speak with Driver in an official vehicle
  • During medal Ceremony No make wear of medals to winners , on podium, by chief guest or any dignitary
  • The winner will wear medal by himself /herself.
  • The athlete & officials are not allowed to travel in public transport  or to visit .
  • To ensure physical distancing all time, beds are placed at enough distance  in Olympic village,  And  are single size for all Olympians  .
  • Intimacy is Prohibited during the period.
  • Athletes Rename  beds as “Anti Sex Beds.
  • Still huge quantity of Condoms i.e.  1,60,000,is ordered but use is strictly prohibited .
  • Organizers want the athletes to take back Nation these condoms, to raise awareness about   Safe Sex  &  HIV .
  • IOC in association with International Sports federations Sports Specific Rules (SSR), all to follow & are bound ,if any issue arises, or any athlete found Covid positive.

Last words but not least ,
To be Noted …

  • Strictest action against athletes /officials/support staff found breaking of  playbook rules
  • Punishment for Repeated offenders or malicious offenders – Fine , Disqualification , Medals being taken back & even Deportation immediately.

Let’s  Hope and  wish ALL WELL but not to forget to
cheer 4 Indian contingent.

Bhawna Khanna Bhawna Khanna
Sports Journalist

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