In a year where Novel Corona virus and Covid-19 have played havoc with sport in India, it is heartening to see the viral load finally dipping.
Doctors and experts are warning us, one cannot become complacent as the period ahead — Navratra to Deepavali — will see more people stepping out. The message is more outdoor exposure minus face masks and hand sanitisers can be risky.
From a sporting point of view, the good news is the resumption of activity has begun. It is not just about the Indian Premier League being played in the United Arab Emirates. It is also about sport in your own locality resuming.
Park cricket, and local ground football has resumed. Players are competing minus masks, knowing very well the Corona virus is still lurking.
In fact, one cannot predict if the virus will go away totally now or next year, so it is better to be safe and play sport rather than be regretful. As it is, when one hears there will be no sports trials this year in Delhi University and admissions will be done on the basis of certificates won in school, it is a strange feeling.
When markets have opened, malls are buzzing and even cinema halls are functional, why should sporting activity be curtailed with regard to Delhi University?
The other day, one read news of the Delhi Government wanting to set up a sports university. It is good news, though the execution of such an idea will not be easy.
Ideally, with winter approaching, local sports activity will peak. There will be fun events as well as local tournaments taking place. The youth in Delhi and other cities are sick and tired of sitting in front of Zoom classes and virtual classrooms.
At a time when even national camps have resumed for athletes, the youth need to prepare themselves for challenges ahead. Social distancing has to become a habit and sport has to inculcate the lessons learnt from the pandemic.
The world has seen sporting activity resume, though in a bio bubble. It is impossible to talk of a bio bubble for sport in the local park. What can be done is maintain the golden rules of sanitation and hope that you can build your own immunity and play sport.
This is the time when pollution levels will also rise. It will pose a different challenge altogether. Yet, merely sitting indoors will do no good. The youth of the country needs to build its stamina and at the same time continue to play any sport which will have a positive effect on the human psyche.
Does this sound bizarre? Well, do step out and see, one can play many sports even with a mask on.

Mr. S. Kannan
Senior, Sports Journalist
I agree with You!
I totally agree!