Corona Virus hits Tokyo Olympics 20-21

Corona Virus hits Tokyo Olympics 20 21

Despite being rescheduled Tokyo Olympics event in 2021, with a gap of one year,  following  Strict Covid Protocols , Issue of PLAYBOOK , Daily Covid test of all , compulsory rule of vaccinated  certificate, & negative RTPCR report before entering into Tokyo , to  Ensure  Physical distance did special arrangement all over Olympic village , placing single Beds , placing of covering sheets near dining tables & in hall, use of single use material , Prohibiting overseas spectators , Issue of Fan Rule BOOK , Declared strict punishment for defaulters  including taken back medal from winner &deporting contingent immediately. Does not stops corona virus entering into Tokyo.  The first  covid positive case was reported on 0 July ,Tokyo 2020 employee .

The 1st day total no of cases reported  were only  02 which increase gradually and toll  reached to 87 by 22 July & has highest cases among Games concerned persons  & contractors i.e. 22 & 48 respectively i.e. 89 % of total cases.
With confirmation of 19 new Covid positive cases , the Toll rises to 106, today morning ,in Tokyo,  confirmed by  the official report , released by IOC

Today morning’s count of 19 is the highest since 01 July 2021, which  is a matter of highly concern.

Out of 19 confirmed covid positive cases 03 Cases found among Athletes that raises the toll to 11 ,  03  among media fertanity, takes to Total of 08, 10 found among Games concerned persons &  03 among contractors.

Bhawna Khanna Bhawna Khanna
Sports Journalist

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