Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People

www.saachibaat.com 2024 05 28T023112.004

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?
“There is hope and light even in the darkest of nights.”
How Are Challenges Connected To Spiritual And Religious

It is observed that the people begin on the spiritual and religious paths and commit to doing the
right things in the right way. Especially when they begin their practices, their fruits of the past
karma get amplified and both good and bad karma become ripe.
They start facing a lot more challenges than they were facing before. So, the question arises
then are spiritual and religious paths reserved for a few who are very good by nature and do the
right things? No, absolutely no. Anyone who is resolute in making their life better can be spiritual
and religious.
Why Do Good People Have More Challenges?
The answer is very simple since you are now on the spiritual path, your past karma has started
working out and in no time, it will also be over. But till then you have to hold on. And walk with
absolute unwavering faith and fortitude.
Invoke for the blessings of God in the difficult times, and level up your practices, services, and
tithings. It will help you learn your lessons faster and end the challenge soon.
Why Are Bad People Rewarded?
First of all, no person is absolutely good or bad. It is just how they choose their conduct that
defines their present status.
However, it is essential to understand the law of karma here. Today whatever pain or happiness
you are in now is because of past karma. So, if someone is bad now and still enjoying life it is
because of past good karma and similarly, if a person is good now but suffering it is because his
past karma is being worked out.
And if you are good in the present then no one in the world can stop you from being happy,
healthy, financially, and graciously blessed, and vice versa if you are doing wrong things the
inevitable karma will catch up with you and you will lose everything in its pyre.

How To Smoothly Sail Through Challenges?
Just be kind to yourself and to everyone who interacts with you. All should feel the divine
presence of God when they talk to you, look in your eyes, and your work. And irrespective of
how nasty anyone is to you, you be kind because no one hurts others intentionally, it is just the
circumstances and the ongoing process of evolution.
Have faith and keep working towards your goal, God is up there continuously blessing you.


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