B A S E D O N M O O N S I G N S – T H E I N D I A N S Y S T E M A S P E R T H E D A T E S
Exclusively for saachibaat.com viewers- famous astrologer, Dr. A. Shanker will reply to your queries. Feel free to ASK. You will receive reply within 3 days! (Fortnightly Forecast)
Aries (Mésh)
March 21 – April 19
It is a good time for the people of Aries. People suffering from blood pressure and sugar get rest and can see great progress towards good health. Being a good time, health will be good at this time. Financially good time. People with weak liver need to be a little cautious about their lifestyle. Relations will intensify in favor of mother and joint ventures will increase. Family relations will improve and there will be auspicious work in the house. But avoid unnecessary arguments, especially those in partnership. excellent duration for students; Interest in studies will increase and there are good chances of getting a job. Misunderstandings will be cleared. Avoid any deal in property and new vehicle on 15-16-17. Good time and special attention from friends and relatives. Married people will see an increase in love between husband and wife. Parents will get happiness from the child. Those who are unmarried can get married. Chances of going on pilgrimage are strong and religious activities will increase. The obstacles coming in the work will be removed. Be careful while walking on the road as there are chances of accident. Spiritually, the person will be full of divine vibrations. Social status will be better, you will feel it.
20 April – 20 May
Health wise, you have to be a little extra cautious as time is not as favourable as few months ago. High BP, sugar can give you a little dirty push this fortnight. Depression can be another important part that is bothering you. All this will bring up the big issue of stomach ailment. Good news is expected in the family. There will be news of marriage in the family. Good relations are building with relatives and they will be helpful in your endeavours. a good time financially; There are signs of money gain. Family disputes will be resolved. The sight of Mars in the 6th house is not good. People suffering from arthritis or cold should be careful. Those working in partnership will see an improvement in the relationship with the partner as well as an increase in business. But there are signs of a dispute between brothers about something, so be careful. Avoid getting into land and vehicle deals. It is a good time for those investing in the stock market. An excellent period for students. This is a good period for business people, especially for those dealing in bullion or iron. There are chances of getting new opportunities in business. Parents concerned about their children will get success. Enemies will be defeated. Those who have completed their studies will get good job opportunities. Unmarried can get marriage proposals and couples who want children can get good news. Travel is on the cards. There is a possibility of promotion in government or semi-government jobs. Avoid extravagance. During this period the partners of same zodiac signs may feel a little irritable, unnecessary arguments should be avoided and should not doubt each other, it will lead to quarrel.
Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June
If you are already dealing with some health problems then time is not that lucky in terms of health. Be careful and alert towards your health and do not panic. Stuck work among friends and colleagues will move towards completion. The condition of people suffering from any problem of the lower part of the body can worsen. Financially this is a good time. Family relations will improve and mutual understanding will increase. But avoid unnecessary arguments, especially among women. You will get confidence. The foundation of auspicious works will be laid in the family and relations between brothers will improve. Average time taken for students, especially in the medical and technical fields. Auspicious time for Chartered Accountancy, Economics and Arts students. Parents will be worried about their children. Obstacles are indicated for those wishing to marry; Patience is the key for them. Enemies will be defeated. This period is good for land or vehicle deals and for business and stock market deals. But avoid making land or vehicle deals and giving or taking loans on 15 July 25. Although loss of fame is indicated in social and religious functions, extravagance is seen in court cases. Don’t expect good news from the court. Relations between husband and wife will be good but there will be trouble between lovers. Travel or pilgrimage is on the cards. People of Gemini zodiac who are in job, there may be obstacles in their promotion. But even after all this, the crisis will not come, everything will be good, be happy.
Cancer (Kārk)
21 June – 22 July
Cancer people, this fortnight will be very smooth. There will not be much rush and no big hurdles. Those who were suffering from high BP, sugar etc. will see improvement. Others who are suffering from other diseases like gastric, minor liver and kidney problems should take care. Family tensions will increase and there are chances of unnecessary misunderstandings. Rifts in relations with close relatives are predicted. Time is not right for people suffering from skin allergies. Economically this is the average time. On the positive side the confidence level will increase. As far as land is concerned, profit is shown. Transport and real estate business will boom. Those working in partnership also need to be cautious as arguments are being made which can affect the work. This is the average time for students. There will be less interest in studies and results will not be available according to hard work. Do not invest in the stock market. 21, 22 and 23 July is not good for land or vehicle deals and neither is going for loans. There will be some trouble in the relationship between husband and wife. Weak joints need to be extra careful in terms of health. Relations with friends will be affected. Parents will be worried about the children. Those who want children will not get success. In short, avoid travel, social or religious seasons. You will get respect and fame. Expenses can be seen on some religious work. Job opportunities will be created. Court cases will give some positive signs during this period.
Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August
This time is not favorable for the health of Leo people, try to do dhyana (meditation) and do some pooja. Beware of stomach problems and try to reduce some tension during your meditation session. Not a good time especially for those who are admitted in hospitals due to some serious illness. It is a good time financially. Mutual disputes will be resolved and friends will get support. The confidence level will remain high and you will take interest in adventurous activities. Love will increase between family members. Mother’s side will be helpful. There are signs of auspicious work in the family. Profits are predicted as far as land, property or vehicle is concerned. Avoid debt in these two days. Ketu in 4th house will induce wasteful expenditure, so be careful. Those involved in property trading will make profits as will engrossed in the stock market. Luck favors couples who want children. Enemies will secretly try to harm you but will be defeated. This is the average time for the students. But interest in physical issues can hinder studies. Be responsible in such cases. Relations between husband and wife will be good but they should be careful about their health. Avoid misunderstandings and don’t choose to travel. But Rahu will hinder smooth progress, so be patient. Expenses will increase. You will get respect from social and religious works. Business will expand and employed people will get promotion.
Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September
In terms of health, it is a good time for the people of Virgo zodiac, people who are suffering from diseases for a long time, they will get better. Eat responsibly. People suffering from gout or arthritis should be careful. There will be improvement in blood pressure, sugar and heart patients, although stomach problems will arise. However, unnecessary arguments are likely between brothers, so be careful. Economically average time. Family relations will remain the same. You will get information about good works. Friends and colleagues will be helpful and helpful. Business will expand. Those working in partnership should avoid getting into disputes. Normal profits are indicated for those in the property business or the stock market. Mother’s side will be helpful. This time is lucky for the students. Parents will get happiness from the child side. Those who want children will get success. However, the fear of enemies will remain. Interest in studies will increase and the job will be completed successfully. There are signs of success in the workplace as well. Be careful while driving. Religious or social work will not be good; Public criticism is likely. Avoid looking at each other with suspicion. There are yogas for physical or religious travel. There are signs of minor misunderstandings between the couples. Business may be affected. Government high office jobs and politicians should avoid arguments and disputes in office.
23 September – 22 October
Libra people, being quite and low profile, have a very normal period in terms of health. People suffering from mental diseases will see an improvement in their health. People suffering from liver, kidney and gastric problems and those with weak digestive system need to be cautious. Do exercise and yoga daily. Avoid anger and arrogance as these will adversely affect your health. There are signs of misunderstanding in the family, but in spite of this your work will be done. Stars are favourable financially but due to the influence of Ketu, there will be extravagance. Confidence level will increase. Benefit of land, house or vehicle is on the card. You will get good news from sister. Relations with siblings will be strong. There are signs of success in business and progress will be seen in all types of businesses. You will get the love of parents. Saturn will hinder small scale welfare works; Be patient. The road will not be easy for people looking for jobs. Friends will oppose you, so be patient. Laziness and mental distraction will cause trouble. Students will find it difficult to concentrate on studies. Parents will be worried about the child. Pilgrimage or physical travel is on the cards. Be careful while driving as there are signs of injury etc. Pregnant women should be conscious of their health. Social prestige will suffer. Try to avoid any argument with anyone during a public meeting.
Scorpio (Virīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November
Average time taken in the case of Scorpions, health and finances. Patients with hypertension, diabetes, stomach and orthopedics should be careful. Time is especially unfavorable for those who always overthink. They may have depression. As stated above, financially, this is an average time. Relations with brothers will be stronger, with sisters even more so. This is the average time as far as deals for land, house or vehicle are concerned. There will be ups and downs in business. Relations between family and friends will remain the same. Mutual misunderstandings will be removed. This is a good time for unmarried girls to get engaged. Despite this, time is beneficial in terms of money. Time is not favorable for students. There will be less interest in studies. Time is unfavorable for the people associated with the property business. Rest of the business will continue as usual. The concern about the health of the parents will increase. Hardworking students will get success. Parents will be worried about the children. Your opponents will get strength. Laziness and lust for sex will increase, as will criticism within friends. Face the situation with a steady head. There will be misunderstanding between the couples and there will be an argument over children. So try to avoid unnecessary arguments and try to speak less. You will gain in social prestige though there are some signs of facing public criticism. Avoid travel and alcohol consumption. Those who are in service, their confidence will be high and they will get special attention of superiors. Job seekers are likely to get opportunities during this period.
Sagittarius (Dhānū)
22 November – 21 December
Financially, it can be a good time for the people of Sagittarius, there may be some minor health-related problems, be careful. This is a favorable time for people suffering from teeth and skin problems. They will remain healthy while those suffering from serious diseases will find it difficult. July 16 and 17 are particularly troublesome for patients who are critical. Financially favorable time. People suffering from stomach problems should pay attention to their diet. Dental problems will increase. Family ties will be strong and auspicious and religious functions will take place at home. Relations with friends and colleagues will improve and you will get their support. Relationship with father will be strong. You will get good news regarding land or vehicle. Relations with brothers will strengthen and mutual misunderstandings will be removed. Not much profit is expected in the property business. There will be normal gains in iron, motor parts, electricity and bullion business. Mother’s health will be affected. However, it is a very good time for the students. Results will be good and job opportunities will be created. Avoid loans and deals of land, house and vehicle. Business opportunities will increase. Relationships with friends will be strong and they will be helpful. Those who have wanted children for a long time will soon get good news. There will be news of auspicious works from both the families of the couple. Avoid travel. There will be no fear of enemies. Long-running disputes between married couples will get resolved. There is a sign of social criticism and social prestige will decrease. Those doing government jobs will get promotion opportunities. From now on expenses will be under control.
Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January
Average time in terms of health for Capricorn. This will increase differences with friends and co-workers and unnecessary arguments with people. It will be difficult to get back the money borrowed. Time is not favorable for people suffering from stomach ailments. Due to Shani’s half-century, mental stress and extravagance will increase. July 29 and 30 will be especially troublesome for patients suffering from serious diseases. The stock marketers will suffer. But this time is good for the people associated with the property business. There will be considerable progress in land and building construction works. After a lot of struggles, the work will be completed because Shani is sitting in his own house. But profits in business will not be commensurate with efforts. However, avoid deals of land, house and vehicle on July 26, 27 and 28. Mother’s health will be poor. There will be minor misunderstandings with the father. Students will feel lazy and lose interest in studies. The exam result will not be as expected. Arguments with friends will increase. Parents will be worried about the children. Pregnant women should take extra care. The relationship between husband and wife will not be very hot. Interest in religion will increase. You will benefit in social prestige and fame.
Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January–18 February
Time is not favorable from the point of view of health. Sade Sati of Saturn can cause diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart, stomach problems, arthritis etc. This is not a good time for people suffering from depression. Healthy people will also suffer from unnecessary stress and sadness. The general profit is indicated financially. The health of the father may also deteriorate. But relations with brothers will be strong and joint work will be completed successfully. The women of the family will argue amongst themselves. Money will be spent on unnecessary things. Mother’s health will not be good. There is a possibility of getting bad news from parents. Avoid deals of loan, land, house and vehicle on July 21, July 22. Not a very favorable time for students. Partners will also benefit. Profit is also indicated in respect of land, house or vehicle. But there will be some obstacles. There may be minor losses in business. Good news is also expected from the Virgo side. The relationship between husband and wife will be equally sweet. Mental disturbance and love affair will be adversely affected. Do meditation yoga to control the mind. Those who want children will get success. Social prestige and prestige will decrease. Promotion of employed people will stop.
Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March
This is a good time in terms of money. Time is favorable on the health front. The condition of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart patients will improve. But it is not a good time for people suffering from arthritis, gastric and stomach problems. Relations with friends and colleagues will be strong and there will be auspicious time at home. Like relatives, friends will support. But there are signs of unnecessary arguments between the brothers. Do not make any deal related to money on 24th July, 25th July. People associated with the business of clothing, grain and sports will benefit from July 29. In the case of land, house and vehicle amenities is the normal term. People associated with the stock market and property business should keep control over investments. Those preparing for IAS, PCS will get success. Those who want children will get good news. Good time for students. Interest in studies will increase and job opportunities will arise. There are signs of success in the examination. Those couples whose health is not well, their condition will improve. Be careful while driving and traveling. Social honor and fame will get hurt. Avoid getting into public disputes. You will get good news related to children. Travel is on the cards. The relationship between husband and wife will be strong.
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Dr. A.Shanker MBA, PhD, Jyotishacarya Read More |