B A S E D O N M O O N S I G N S – T H E I N D I A N S Y S T E M A S P E R T H E D A T E S
Exclusively for saachibaat.com viewers- famous astrologer, Dr. A. Shanker will reply to your queries. Feel free to ASK. You will receive reply within 3 days! (Fortnightly Forecast)

Aries (Mésh)
March 21 – April 19
A slightly unfavourable time in terms of some mood swings and a little low in health where mental health specifically. Need to be more careful, it’s for those who are high temperamental, avoid unnecessary arguments. All will be okay, have patience. Patients who are suffering from blood pressure and sugar disease will see an improvement. Involvement in auspicious and religious work will help you to be calm and more productive. Financially, there are some gains, family ties also been strengthen. Old disputes with friends, partners or others if any, will be resolved. Good tidings are expected concerning land and vehicle. Avoid big deals and transactions in property and in share market. A good period for students, interest in studies will increase. Aries native, job and business opportunities will arise who are looking for a change. Looking for a partner, search will be over. Concerns related to children will be over. Enemies will become friends. Ties between husband and wife will be pleasant, eventually peace will prevail. Possibilities of planning a pilgrimage can be seen during this period. Social status will increase. Gain is on the cards for those in politics. Interest in religion will increase. Business will progress. But those involved in gold metal trade will see much expenditure.

20 April – 20 May
An adequate time for Taurus natives as far as health is concerned. Minor gastric issues may occur, be careful, and handle it with intelligently else you may go into deep trouble as time is not much favourable. Natives who are suffering from depression will worsen; anger may put you in trouble. BP, heart and diabetes patients will see themselves in an improved position. An average time, financially. Profit and loss is indicated as per your moon sign, be cautious while doing big deals in business or putting money in other transactions blindly. Differences with friends and colleagues are likely to be over. Obstacles are there in work but you will move from it in case things can be handled patiently. Gain of strong confidence can be seen suddenly 14th and 15 being having depression initially. Ties with brothers, cousins will strengthen and differences will be resolved, if any. Profit is likely as far as land, vehicle, house and deals in shops are concerned.
For students this is a good time. They’ll be calm and find success in examinations. Job opportunities will come for those who into the search. Adversaries will keep you on toes. Love and affection between husband and wife are likely to be there but avoid arguments. Again, Try to keep your anger in control avoid travel. Gain of status and respect in religious and social work can be seen during this period. Good time for those, whose source of income is through research, news and social work. For those who are in service, work pressure will be there.

Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June
Gemini natives, this small duration is a great good time for you. In case, you may not feel it but your activities during this period will pay you later. Old ailments will alleviate you, there are strong possibilities that your worries on any specific reasons may go. The time is really good for those suffering from venereal diseases, hernia. Piles patient will get some way to get rid from this dieses. Depression any kind, major relief, practice meditation and follow little organised life will really help you further, this time is good to start a fresh for those who are in depression since long. Dental patients will get right treatment. Financially it’s an excellent time. Family ties will become strong and give motivation to move ahead. Friends and colleagues will be helpful. There are possibilities of recover your loses and long wedged money will be released. Your and family involvement in propitious mechanism can be seen. So, ties with brothers will be strengthened and confusion state will be over. Business will be much better where profit in property and vehicle is on the cards. A very significant time for those practicing auspicious activities and running medical business. Good time for students. A little teething problem may there for those who have Moon and Saturn at unfavourable position in their birth chart. The fear of adversaries may increase but don’t worry. Married life will be excellent, those who have real tough time between the partners, take little initiative with little efforts and clear the heart and can start a fresh. Good time for a change if seeking, you may get recognition from your superiors. Overall great time.

21 June – 22 July
Cancerians, your patience will give you new hope. Natives, who are struggling with long pending bad health, will get new hope and better scenario this time. Previous business loses will recovered, stuck money will be released. Differences with friends and colleagues will be resolved. Cancerians afflicted with blood and allergy issues will get improvement. Love and affection will increase within the house, family members start giving you more importance. You will come in touch with auspicious activities. Your ties with brothers and brother like friends will make stronger. Profit in business is indicated, especially for those in Iron trade. There might be some interference in business but do keep patience, all temporary. For students, this is a favourable time, especially for those in medical field. Job opportunities will come up. A teething issues with pregnant women. Enemies will become friends. Relations between husband-wife will be become normal and lovable. Be on guard against quarrel. This might adversely affect social fame and respect. Unnecessary conflicts may happen in office but be cool and un-reactive.

Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August
Leo natives will come out from poor health. Natives suffering from high BP, diabetes and heart issues will get some ease during this period. Suffering from mental tension will get relieve, mental tension also increase such kind of ailments. You may have fear about financial issues but all will be okay, not to worry. Family environment will help and make comfortable from old worries. People surround you will be supportive. Joint businesses will gain. Mutual disagreements between the life partners are foretold, so keep patience. Ties with brothers will make stronger. Good time to deal in land and vehicle trade. Profit is indicated for those in Iron trading on international level. Avoid deals on August 11th and 12th. For students, this is a good time. But it’s a favourable time for those in medical field. Avoid getting into arguments with anyone and keep control over your anger, this will help you to move into a big mess. Worries for children will get over after getting some good news during this period. Enemies will become friends. Relations between husband and wife will be with more affection and love. The two will be concerned about each other. Social fame and respect will influence. Natives practicing politics will also see some gain in respect. Best time to do social and religious works. Travel is on the cards; drive carefully with no anxiety will always help you to be away from misfortunes and accidents. Good time to start a new venture if any in mind. Government servants will face smooth passage even in those works that they considered tough. Wasteful expenditure is indicated being in good mood, so spend sensibly.

Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September
Virgo natives, a little average time on the health front. Some skin issues can be seen, digestive system will be weak; low blood pressure and heart problems may arise but not to worry, all will be okay soon. You have to be very careful about your diet and daily routine, also impatience will be a hurdle, keep a check on anger too. Financially, normal time, business partnerships will work well. Some good cash flow is to be seen during this period. Losses in Share market, try to be low profile, don’t put in blindly, and daily routine will be lethargic. Ties with family members and colleagues will get better and they’ll be supportive. But, there could be misunderstandings with close blood relation. Natives, who are in Land and property business, all will be normal. Business will remain as it is. Avoid deals on August 13, 14. Students, be focus and take challenges, this is an excellent time. Those studying in fashion, cultural education and technical fields, can focus and achieve next milestone easily. Any issues from children’s side will be resolve soon. Court cases if any, complex business issues might get complicated. There will be balance in married life and the health of the couple will remain good. There may be minor misunderstandings. Social respect may be questioned. So, be careful while moving ahead, speak less and worthy. Avoid being ostentatious, do not exaggerate while doing any social work, fame may be lost.

23 September – 22 October
Good time on the health front for Librans this duration. A relaxing time especially for those who are suffering from abdominal and liver disease since long. Digestive system will improve if facing issues, to maintain the same, be cautious while eating. A careless expenditure can be seen for those who have Moon and Saturn at unfavourable place in their birth charts. Anxiety and other teething issues of pregnant women will go. Small tussles can be seen with married Librans, adopting cool attitude is the only best way to move ahead. Avoid travels during this time, there are possibilities of some hurdles, Librans may face small challenges, journey will not be very smooth. Drive cautiously, social respect and fame will be as usual. Money given to outside as loans may stuck. Small issues/disputes related to property may occur with extended family members. Excellent time for those who are into trade business like metal, medicine etc. There might be little extra care to parent from your side. Father’s health may suffer. Students good time, be focus and achieve your target.

Scorpio (Virīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November
Scorpions, the best time to be mentally strong for those who are suffering with long pending health issues. Being mentally strong you will surely get ease from high blood pressure, diabetes, depression and anxiety. Minor firmness is expected between the partners, so be on watch. Financially, good time but avoid exchanging money. Affection and bonding with family members will strengthen. Sisters will get much good financial help from brothers. Normal happiness with reference to new vehicle, some kind of renovation and land deal is on the cards. Those in business concerning dairy, food grains, jewellery and bullion will be in profit. Income from property business will be less during this tenure. Do not invest on 13, 14, and 15. Mental distractions will be there and there will be a loss of interest in studies for students. To get out from this, do meditation and focus. Be careful from batch-mates as there are chances of mutual disagreements and conflicts. All good from children side, there will be no setback, little stubbornness needs to be handle carefully. Pregnant women get extra attention from the family and their partners. Ties between husband and wife will be normal. This tenure will be cool and better for the Cancer patients. Social work is there on the cards, gain in social respect and status. Best time to get clear from misunderstandings with spouse.

Sagittarius (Dhānū)
22 November – 21 December
Native of Sagittarius sings will have better health for those suffering from serious ailments, to maintain this better health you have to be motivated, content. August 2, 3 and 4 are little disturbing, mentally but not to worry, all temporary. Financially good time but not a good time for those who have ill-fated houses in their horoscope, this time is not favourable. Good and need-base expenditure on long pending things, time to make asset. Family members will take initiative to provide good help where affection and closeness is indicated. Smooth business will be there and opportunities of buying a new vehicle also there. Students, excellent time to achieve your goals, small dependable issues may come in front but all temporary, be focus and sturdy, all good there for students. Job opportunities can be seen for Sagittarius natives who are looking for a change. Also, natives who are in to medical trade will get good opportunities to increase their source of income. Also business will see good cash flow. Enemies will start having soft feelings for you, spouse too. So, relation between couple will be with more affection and love. Some long journey me come on your way.

Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January
There are some small issues related with health front for Capricorn natives. Fear or some hidden tension may bother you. There may be some sleep issues people who are facing Shani Sade-sati. On the above people affected with Sade-sati may get more irritated from usual already facing regular health issues. Financially, better than before, better business opportunities than before. Service people may get some rewards from the management. Family ties will improve very soon where differences will be resolved between the brothers but need to be little careful for unnecessary disputes or discussions. Long pending tension for children’s health, studies will get over as its an auspicious time for children, they will be gainfully employed with better prospects. Couples with same (Capricorn) sign may face some misunderstandings or quarrel type situation between them. There may be some negative trend will be seen in court cases, try to hold the expenses on litigation. Excellent time for the students of junior classes. Also, this is an excellent period, especially for those doing management and medical studies. Opportunities of employment will crop up. Be low profile, you may influence your enemies go against you by direct or indirect, try to avoid the situations. Downward trend can be seen in social status and fame. Good deeds can bring infamy so be careful on every step. Never encourage people for unnecessary disputes and conflicts during any social cause initiative.

Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January–18 February
Natives with Aquarius (Kumbh) signs will be in ease during this period. Financially there are certain ups and down for those who are daily cash transactions business. But will be happy and content from your current situation as time is favouring you. Student will accomplish their decided targets. There are possibilities of gaining in land, homes (rental income) and long pending decision on cars, weather buy a new one or selling the old one. Jewellery and high-end house hold gadgets will also be there in your comfort and fortune during this period. Religious and spiritual pilgrimages coming on your way. Your mind will be easily motivated and you will be high in self-confidence. A favourable time for increase in respect and involvement in social support to needy, your popularity may rises.
Some teething problems in business can be seen but all will be okay soon. So, there may be tiny legal matters may occur due to correction of some poor decisions, this will bring waste and extravagance is also there. Optimistic outlook is the most important positive trait of yours. Therefore, there will be an abundance of positive traits until they are over expressed and become blind optimism. Your outlook is optimistic and both extremely positive traits will have abundant enthusiasm until they are over expressed and become blind optimism.
You are an optimistic with happy and exuberant mind, this will bring rewards while doing speculations and investments. You may also get opportunities to travel abroad and there may be some profit from it. You can create creations that are extraordinary. You will face restrictions in practical matters of money and daily work.
There may also be difficulties related to health, education, servants, employers or employees. You may come into contact with more serious types of friends, who are older and have a greater sense of responsibility. You may have to face some difficulties and sorrows through friends, there may be some unwellness, coldness, misunderstanding which will take some time to get over. Your earning potential may improve during this time. You command respect in your place.

Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March
This is a good time in terms of money. Time is favourable on the health front. The condition will improve for the patients of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. But it is not a good time for people suffering from arthritis, gastric and stomach problems. Relations with friends and colleagues will be strong and there will be auspicious time in the house. Like relatives, friends will support. But there are signs of unnecessary arguments between the brothers. Do not do any deal related to money on 13th August 14th. People associated with the business of clothing, grain and sports will benefit from August 15. The normal term is in the case of land, house and vehicle amenities. People associated with the stock market and property business should control investments. Those preparing for any Government exams specially the higher level will get success. Those who want children will get good news. Good time for students. Interest in studies will increase and job opportunities will arise. There are signs of success in the examination. Those couples who are not feeling well, their condition will improve. Be careful while driving and travelling. Social honour and fame will get hurt. Avoid getting into public disputes. Good news related to children will be received. Travel is on the cards. The relationship between husband and wife will be strong.

Dr. A.Shanker
MBA, PhD, Jyotishacarya
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