B A S E D O N M O O N S I G N S – T H E I N D I A N S Y S T E M A S P E R T H E D A T E S
Exclusively for saachibaat.com viewers- famous astrologer, Dr. A. Shanker will reply to your queries. Feel free to ASK. You will receive reply within 3 days! (Fortnightly Forecast)

Aries (Mésh)
March 21 – April 19
A normal period health wise. Guard against anger and arrogance as these will have an unfavourable impact on your health. High blood pressure patients to need to be on guard as do those afflicted with mental diseases. Those with weak digestive system – will need to be cautious. Exercise and do yoga daily. Misunderstanding within the family is indicated, but despite it your planned work will get done. Confidence levels will increase. Ties with brothers and sisters will strengthen. Success in business is indicated and all kind of businesses will see progress. Auspicious news will come from sister’s side. Gain of land, house or vehicle is on the cards. You’ll get love from parents. Ketu may raise obstacles in small scale welfare works; do keep patience. Students will find it difficult to concentrate on studies. Laziness and mental distractions will cause problems. Those looking for a job will not find it easily. Friends will oppose you, so keep patience. Parents will be concerned about their children. Pregnant women should be cautious about their health. A pilgrimage or physical travel is on the cards.
Recommendation: Recite beej mantra of Jupiter

20 April – 20 May
Very good time for Taurians on the health front. Those suffering from high blood pressure and heart problems will see an improvement. Business will rise and you’ll get a good land or a vehicle deal. Positive trend will be seen in court cases. For students, this is an excellent period, especially for those doing medical or engineering courses. Brothers though need to guard against unnecessary disputes ort discussions. It’s an auspicious time for children; a child will bring in good news. Financially too a good time. Family ties will improve and complicated relationships and differences will be resolved. Sons and daughters will be gainfully employed. Business will be profitable, especially for those involved in motor workshops, auto parts, electrical goods and property businesses. Expenditure though will increase too. Employment opportunities will crop up. Beware of your enemies; indications are that an enemy will inflict loss or injury. Therefore, avoid getting into conflicts. Married life will be happy and husband-wife ties will be full of love and misunderstandings will be resolved. Social status and fame will however see a downward trend. Even if you do a good deed, it will only bring in infamy. For those in government jobs, a promotion is indicated. Unnecessary disputes and conflicts are indicated in social work so be cautious.
Recommendation: Women should offer water to a peepul tree; Men should recite Sundar Kand and Hanuman Chalisa

Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June
An average time health wise for Gemini natives. Not a favourable time for those suffering from abdominal ailments. People of Gemini signs may increase mental tension and wasteful expenditure. It will raise differences with friends and colleagues and unnecessary arguments with people. It will be difficult to get back the money loaned. Those in share market will suffer loss. For patients suffering from serious ailments the time will be troublesome. But for those in property business, this is a good time. There’ll be much progress in land and building work. But profits in business will not be commiserate with efforts put in. However, avoid land, house and vehicle deals during this period. Minor misunderstanding with father will occur. Students will feel lazy and lose interest in studies. Examination result will not be up to expectations. Arguments with friends will increase. Parents will be worried about children. Pregnant women should take extra care. Husband and wife ties will not be very warm. Interest in religion will increase. You will gain in social respect and fame.
Recommendation: Do japa for Rahu and Ketu and donate.

21 June – 22 July
An average time health-wise. Unfavourable time for those suffering from high blood pressure and heart diseases. Joint businesses will gain. Stuck money will be released. In case there are disagreements with friends and colleagues, they will be resolved. Not a good time for persons afflicted with blood problems and allergy. Financially, it’s a good time. Family environment will be good. Auspicious works will be carried out in the family. Ties with brothers will strengthen. Profit in business is indicated, especially for those in property business and builders. There might be some disruptions but do keep patience. For students, this is a favourable time, especially for those in technical field. Job opportunities will come up. Avoid getting into fights with students. A troublesome time for pregnant women. Enemies will be defeated. Relations between husband and wife will be good and lovable. Be on guard against misunderstandings. This might adversely affect social fame and respect. Good profit is on the cards in business. Unnecessary conflicts will happen in office. Wasteful expenditure too is indicated.
Recommendation: Recite Shani’s beej mantra 72000 times and offer water to a peepul tree.

Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August
A good time as far as health is concerned. For those suffering from serious ailments the period is especially troublesome. Unnecessary thoughts will trouble them. Go in for dhyan yog. Land and vehicle comfort is there and business will also run smoothly. Mother’s health will suffer. For students, this is an excellent period especially for those in the technical field. They will get good job opportunities. Good time too for medical students. Dental problems may increase. Financially this is a good time. But for those who have shani and moon in inauspicious houses, the time is not favourable and wasteful expenditure is indicated. Chances of unnecessary arguments within the family are also there. Tension regarding children will be removed and good news is in the offing. Do keep patience. Business will see profit and those in service will get promotion. Those seeking a child will see their wish fulfilled. Enemies will induce fear. Relations between couples will be normal though unnecessary arguments are also indicated. Pilgrimage is on the cards. Drive carefully. Respect in society and among friends and relatives will suffer.
Recommendation: Students and pregnant women should pray to Ketu and do japa and donate

Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September
Good time for Virgo natives as far as health is concerned. High blood pressure, diabetes and heart patients will see an improvement in condition. But, those suffering from abdominal ailments should take care while eating. Digestive system will be weak. Women may see an increase in gynaecological issues. Pregnant women should take extra care. Financially, it’s a good time. Family ties will strengthen and ties with friends and colleagues will be pleasant. Relatives will be supportive. Start of a new business is on the cards. You will gain in confidence. Avoid travel. Your interest in social and religious works will increase. Your social status and respect will go up. Still, be on the guard against public criticism. Gains are likely in business but there will be some disruptions. You’ll have to put in extra efforts. Wasteful expenditure too is indicated. Love between brothers will increase. Profit in business is indicated. All kinds of businesses will gain except for those in auto sector. For students, it’s a middling period. Gains will not match the efforts put in. However, the period is lucky for engineering students. Job opportunities will come up. Beware of your adversaries. Relations between husband and wife will prosper and misunderstandings will be resolved.
Recommendation; Recite Sundar Kand and Hanuman Chalisa daily. Offer water mixed with black til to Shivaling and peepul.

23 September – 22 October
A favourable time health wise for Librans. However, those suffering from abdominal diseases would face problems. Government officers and politicians will be seen in tension. Wasteful expenditure is indicated. Those persons in whose birth chart, Moon is in the sixth or eighth house will not be so lucky as far as health is concerned. Those who are in Shani’s sade satti will increase mental tensions. Tension in business and service will be all prevalent. Land and vehicle comfort is normal. Minor losses are on the cards in business. Avoid business deals in 17, 18 and 19. Do not go in for land, house or vehicle deals on these dates. Ties between husband and wife will be strengthened. Both will be supportive of each other. Social respect will suffer. You will do good work but no one will acknowledge that. Minor profit in business and service is on the cards though it will not be as much as efforts put in. Natives who are in court disputes may spend extra in court cases and chances of success are little less. Differences will increase with friends, colleagues and relatives. Unnecessary disputes within the family are indicated. But brothers will be supportive. Not a favourable time for students. Rahu will bring disruptions in studies. Physical or mental troubles will afflict you. Percentage in examinations will decrease. Friends will induce fear. Parents will be concerned about children. Pregnant women need to be extra careful.
Recommendation: Recite Sundar Kand or do Shiva Aradhana to overcome effects of Shani’s sade satti

Scorpio (Virīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November
For Scorpions, period is not good on the health front. Serious patients should be extra careful. Sugar, blood pressure and heart patients should also take care. The time is especially bad for those suffering from abdominal problems. Financially it is a good time. Auspicious work will take place at home and among relatives. Family ties will be full of love and relations with relatives will pleasant. You’ll gain in courage and confidence. After 18th, things will get easy. There will be no concerns regarding land and vehicle. A good time for business people. Avoid land, vehicle deals and loans on 28 and 29. A favourable time for students. There’ll be some loss in social status and respect. There’ll be obstacles in way of promotion and wasteful expenditure is indicated. Interest in studies will increase and there’ll be success in examinations. Those seeking a child will find success. Husband-wife relations will be on an even keel; there will be some differences too, so keep patience. Influence of shani will bring some upheavels.
Recommendation: Recite Sundar Kand and do daan to Shani and jap and pray to it

Sagittarius (Dhānū)
22 November – 21 December
An average time for Sagittarius (Dhānū) natives. As far as health is concerned. Not a good time for those who are suffering with high blood pressure, sugar and heart diseases. Tension and stomach ailments are forecast during this period. Those suffering from gout or cold should be on guard. Those suffering from depression, this is an unlucky period. Better ties with relatives are on the cards and they will be supportive in your endeavours. But there are indications of some dispute between brothers, so do be cautious. Financially a good time; gain in money is indicated. Family disputes will be resolved. Good news in the family is expected; you’ll get news about marriage in the family. For business people it is a good period especially for those in bullion or iron trade. Chances of getting new opportunities in business are on the cards. Avoid getting involved in land and vehicle deals. Those working in partnerships will see an increase in business along with an improvement in ties with partners. A good time for those delving in the share market. An excellent period for students. Those who have finished their studies, there’ll be good job opportunities. Husband-wife ties will be on an even keel but avoid unnecessary arguments and do not look at each other with suspicion as this could lead to misunderstandings. Travel is on the cards. Promotion is likely for those in government or semi-government jobs. Avoid wasteful expenditure. Unmarried may get marriage offers and couples seeking a child may get the good news. Parents concerned about their children will find succour. Enemies will be defeated.
Recommendation: Recite Sundar Kand

Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January
A good time on the health front. Serious patients will improve. Those suffering from high blood pressure, sugar and heart diseases will feel better. Gastric patients should be careful in their food habits. Auspicious works will be disrupted. Happiness from land, vehicle and property will be normal. Property business will be good. Rest of the works will be disrupted. Financially, it’s an average time. You’ll spend more than necessary. Unnecessary conflicts are likely with family members. Differences with friends and colleagues are indicated. Father’s health will suffer. For students, this is an excellent time. Interest in studies will increase and success in examinations is foretold. Job opportunities will be there. Good news from children is indicated. Fear of enemies will lessen. Married life will be full of love. Chances of marriage for bachelors will get bright. Attraction with others will also increase, so be careful. You’ll continue to be respected socially. Business will increase, especially for those involved in grains, paper, stone trade. Those in government service might get promoted.You might be awarded.
Recommendation: Do japa and pray to Guru and donate

Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January–18 February
An excellent time as far as health is concerned. This is a good time for high blood pressure and sugar patients. Financially too it’s a good time, but Rahu will push you towards useless expenditure. For students, it’s thumbs up, especially for those in the technical side. Employment opportunities are indicated; as such, for those looking out and preparing for jobs, the period is excellent. People investing in the share market should exercise caution. Profits are indicated in land and vehicle deals. Property owners too will gain in this period. There could be disputes with family members, though with brothers, ties will improve. For those, seeking a child, indications of success are there. Parents will have a good time with children. Good news is in the offing from the mother’s family. Couples will enjoy each other’s companionship and differences, if any, will be resolved. Ties with friends will be heart-warming though there are chances of a useless dispute concerning male or a female friend. You’ll gain in social status and fame. Chances of a promotion in job are there; for business people, profitable time is in the offing. Enemies will lose and you’ll come out on the top in court cases. Be careful while driving.
Recommendation: Recite ‘jap’ to Rahu for peace, and give a donation

Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March
Health-wise a favourable time. But Mangal will give trouble to high blood pressure patients. Heart and sugar patients will also feel adverse effects. Financially, it’s a good time. You will come into money and there are chances of recovering forgotten loans. You can go in for financial deals at this time. Those working in partnerships will see gains. Therefore, keep mentally strong and practice dhyan yoga. Blood disorders are indicated and those suffering from allergy will find the going a bit tough. Land, building and property business will see expansion. Mother’s health will suffer. An adverse news from mother’s side is indicated. An average time for students. Family ties will be full of happiness. But arguments with neighbours are indicated. Minor disagreements between brothers are also on the cards. Elder brother’s health might suffer. Progress in business is likely. Social status and respect will increase. There will be profit in business and promotion is on the cards for those in service. Husband or wife may be afflicted with venereal disease. Mind will not be calm and attraction towards friends will increase. This will disrupt studies. Some worries regarding children will be resolved. Unnecessary misunderstanding between husband and wife is likely.
Recommendation: Keep Rahu peaceful.

Dr. A.Shanker
MBA, PhD, Jyotishacarya
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