B A S E D O N M O O N S I G N S – T H E I N D I A N S Y S T E M A S P E R T H E D A T E S
Exclusively for saachibaat.com viewers- famous astrologer, Dr. A. Shanker will reply to your queries. Feel free to ASK. You will receive reply within 3 days! (Fortnightly Forecast)

Aries (Mésh)
March 21 – April 19
Excellent time for Aries native. Those suffering from blood pressure and sugar, there is ease and can see much progress towards good health. Health will be great during this time being the best time. Good time Financially. Those with a weak liver, need to be little cautious about their life style. Relations will be on the upswing on the mother’s side and joint ventures will increase. Family ties will improve and auspicious work will be taken up at home. But avoid unnecessary arguments especially those who are in partnership. Excellent period for students; interest in studies will increase and there are good chances of getting a job. Misunderstandings will be removed. Avoid any deal in property and new vehicle on 15-16-17. Good time and special attention from friends and relatives. Those married will see an increase in love between husband and wife. Parents will get happiness from children. Those unmarried can get hitched. The chances of going on a pilgrimage are bright and there will an increase in religious works. Obstacles in work will get removed. Be on guard while on the road as there are chances of an accident. Spiritually, native will be full divine vibrations. Social status will be better, you will feel it.

20 April – 20 May
Health wise, you have to little extra cautious as time is not that friendly as a couple of months earlier. High BP, sugar may give you a little dirty push this fortnight. Depression may be the other important part which can bother you. This whole thing will fetch the great issue of stomach ailment. Good news in the family is expected; you’ll get news about marriage in the family. Better ties with relatives are on the cards and they will be supportive in your endeavours. Financially a good time; gain in money is indicated. Family disputes will be resolved. Sight of Mars on the sixth house is not good. Those suffering from gout or cold should be on guard. Those working in partnerships will see an increase in business along with an improvement in ties with partners. But there are indications of some dispute between brothers, so do be cautious. Avoid getting involved in land and vehicle deals. A good time for those delving in the share market. An excellent period for students. For business people it is a good period especially for those in bullion or iron trade. Chances of getting new opportunities in business are on the cards. Parents concerned about their children will find succour. Enemies will be defeated. Those who have finished their studies, there’ll be good job opportunities. Unmarried may get marriage offers and couples seeking a child may get the good news. Travel is on the cards. Promotion is likely for those in government or semi-government jobs. Avoid wasteful expenditure. Partners of same signs may feel little cranky during this period, one must avoid unnecessary arguments and don’t be suspicious on each other, this will lead to quarrel.

Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June
Time is not that lucky health wise in case you are already having some health issues. Be careful and cautious about your health and do not be in panic. Work stuck between friends and colleagues will move towards completion. Those suffering from any issues of lower body part may see a worsening of situation. Financially this is a good time. Family ties will improve and mutual understanding will increase. But avoid unnecessary arguments, especially between women. You will gain in confidence. Foundation for auspicious work in the family will be laid and ties between brothers will improve. Average time for students, especially those in medical and technical fields. Auspicious time for students of chartered accountancy, economics and arts. Parents will be worried about their children. Obstacles are indicated for those looking to get married; patience is the key for them. Enemies will be defeated. This period is good for getting into land or vehicle deals and for business and share market deals. But on July 25, 26 avoid doing land or vehicle deal and giving or taking loan. However, loss of fame is indicated in social and religious works, Wasteful expenditure is seen in court cases. Good news is not expected from courts. Ties between husband and wife will be good but between lovers there will be problems. Travel or pilgrimage is on the cards. Natives of Gemini signs who are in to service may see obstacles in their promotions. But in spite of all this, there will not be the crises, all will be good, be happy.

21 June – 22 July
Cancerians, this fortnight will be very smooth. There will not be much running around and no big obstacle. People who were suffering from high BP, sugar etc, will see an improvement. Others who are suffering with other deceases like gastric, minor liver and kidney issues, must take care. Family tensions will rise and there are chances of unnecessary misunderstandings therein. A break in relations is foretold with close relatives. Not a good time for those suffering from skin allergy problems. Financially it is an average time. On the positive side, confidence levels will rise. Profit is indicated so far as land is concerned. Transport and real estate business will be on the upswing. Those working in partnerships too need to be cautious as arguments that could affect work are indicated. For students this an average time. Interest in studies will decrease and results commiserate to hard work will not be there. Do not invest in the share market. July 19, 20 and 21 is not good for land or vehicle deals nor going in for loans. Relations between husband and wife will some problems. Couples not well health-wise need to be extra cautious. Relations with friends will be affected. Parents will be concerned about children. Those seeking a child will not find success. On nutshell, avoid travel, weather social or religious. You will get respect and fame. Can see expenses on some religious work. Job opportunities will arise. Court cases will give some positive indications during this time.

Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August
Leo natives, this is not a favourable time as far as health is concerned, try to meditate (dhyan) and do some pooja. Guard against abdominal problems and try to reduce some tension during your meditation session. Not a good time, especially for those who are admitted in the hospitals due some serious illness. Financially a good time. Mutual disputes will be resolved and friends will be supportive. Confidence level will be high and you’ll get interested in adventurous tasks. Love between family members will increase. Mother’s side will be supportive. Auspicious work is indicated within the family. Gains are foretold so far as land, property or vehicle is concerned. Avoid loans on these two days. Ketu in the 4th house will induce wasteful expenditure so be careful. Those involved in property business will see profits as will those delving in the share market. Luck is in for couples seeking a child. Enemies will secretly try to harm you but they will be defeated. For students this is an average time. But interest in carnal issues may hinder studies. Be responsible in such matters. Husband and wife relations will be good but they should be cautious about their health. Avoid misunderstandings and do not opt to travel. But Rahu will put obstacles in smooth progress, so keep patience. Expenditure will increase. Social and religious works will bring respect and fame. Business will expand and those in jobs will get promoted.

Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September
Good time for Virgos natives as far as health is concerned, people who struggling with ailments since long, will see betterment. Eat in a responsibly way. Natives, who are suffering from sore or gout, should be cautious. Blood pressure, sugar and heart patients will see improvement though abdominal issues will crop up. There are though chances of unnecessary arguments between brothers, so be on the guard. Financially an average time. Family ties will be on an even keel. You’ll be informed of auspicious work. Friends and colleagues will be helpful and supportive. Business will expand. Those working in partnerships should avoid getting into disputes. Normal profit is indicated for those in property business or share market. Mother’s side will be supportive. This is a lucky period for students. Parents will find happiness from the children’s side. Those seeking a child will see success. Fear of enemies though will remain. Interest in studies will increase and jobs will be completed successfully. Success is also indicated at the work place. Be cautious while driving. Religious or social work will not go well; public criticism is likely. Avoid looking at each other with suspicion. There are chances of physical or religious travel. Minor misunderstanding between couples is indicated. Business might get affected. Those in government high position jobs and politicians should guard against arguments and disputes in the office.

23 September – 22 October
Librans, be quite and low profile, a very normal period health wise. Those afflicted with mental diseases will see improvement in their well being. Those suffering from liver, kidney and gastric problems – and those with weak digestive system – will need to be cautious. Exercise and do yoga daily. Guard against anger and arrogance as these will have an unfavourable impact on your health. Misunderstanding within the family is indicated, but despite it your jobs will get done. Financially the stars are favourable but influence of Ketu will lead to wasteful expenditure. Confidence levels will increase. Gain of land, house or vehicle is on the cards. Auspicious news will come from sister’s side. Ties with brothers and sisters will strengthen. Success in business is indicated and all kind of businesses will see progress. You’ll get love from parents. Saturn will raise obstacles in small scale welfare works; do keep patience. Those looking for a job will not find the going smooth. Friends will oppose you, so keep patience. Laziness and mental distractions will cause problems. Students will find it difficult to concentrate on studies. Parents will be concerned about their children. A pilgrimage or physical travel is on the cards. Be aware while driving as there are indications of injuries, etc. Pregnant women should be cautious about their health. Social status will get a hit. Try to avoid any argument with anyone during public gathering.

Scorpio (Virīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November
Scorpions, an average time as far as health and finances are concerned. High blood pressure, diabetes, abdominal and orthopaedic patients should be on guard. The time is especially unfavourable for those who always think more. They may fetch depression. As above said, financially to, it’s an average time. Relations with brothers will strengthen, more so with sisters. As far as land, house or vehicle deals are concerned, this is an average time. There will be ups and downs in business. Ties within the family and friends will be on an even keel. Mutual misunderstandings will get resolved. For unmarried girls, this is a good time to get engaged. Despite that, the time is profitable money wise. Not a favourable time for students. Interest in studies will decrease. Time is unfavourable for those in property business. Rest of the businesses will go on as usual. Parents’ health will raise concern. Hard working students will see success. Parents will be concerned about children. Those opposed to you will gain in strength. Laziness and carnal desires will be on the upswing, as will be criticism within friends. Face the situation by keeping a stable head. There will be misunderstanding between couples and there’ll be arguments regarding children. So try to avoid unnecessary arguments and try to speak less. You will gain in social status though there are some indications of facing public criticism. Avoid travel and consumption of alcohol. Those who are into service will high in confidence and they get special attentions from superiors. There are indications that those seeking a job will find opportunities during this period.

Sagittarius (Dhānū)
22 November – 21 December
For Sagittarians a better time financially, there may be some small issues may occur related to your health, be careful. A favourable time for those suffering from dental issues and skin issues. Those healthy will remain so while those battling serious diseases will find the going tough. For patients who are serious, July 18 and 19 are especially troublesome. Favourable time financially. Those facing abdominal problems need to keep a check on their eating habits. Dental problems will increase. Family ties will strengthen and auspicious and religious works will be carried out at home. Relations with friends and colleagues will get better and you’ll get support from them. Ties with father will strengthen. There will be good news concerning land or vehicle. Ties with brothers will get close and mutual misunderstandings will get resolved. Not much profit is slated in property business. Iron, motor parts, electricity and bullion businesses will see normal profits. Mother’s health will be affected. Excellent time for students though. Results will be good and job opportunities will arise. Avoid loans and land, house and vehicle deals. Business opportunities will increase. Ties with friends will strengthen and they will be supportive. Those seeking a child since long, will get the good news soon. News of auspicious works will be received from both families of the couple. Avoid travel. Fear of enemies will not be there. Long pending issues between married couples will resolved. Social criticism is indicated and there’ll be a fall in social respect and fame. Those in government jobs will get promotion opportunities. Expenses will be controlled from now onwards.

Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January
An average time health wise for Capricorns. It will raise differences with friends and colleagues and unnecessary arguments with people. It will be difficult to get back the money loaned.Not a favourable time for those suffering from abdominal ailments. Shani’s sade satti will increase mental tension and wasteful expenditure. For patients suffering from serious ailments July 29 and 30 will be especially troublesome. Those in share market will suffer loss. But for those in property business, this is a good time. There’ll be much progress in land and building work. Work will get completed after much struggle because Shani (Saturn) is placed in its own house. But profits in business will not be commiserate with efforts put in. However, avoid land, house and vehicle deals on July 20, 21 and 22. Mother’s health will suffer. Minor misunderstanding with father will occur. Students will feel lazy and lose interest in studies. Examination result will not be up to expectations. Arguments with friends will increase. Parents will be worried about children. Pregnant women should take extra care. Husband and wife ties will not be very warm. Interest in religion will increase. You will gain in social respect and fame.

Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January–18 February
Not a favourable time so far as health is concerned. Shani’s sade satti will lead to ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart, abdominal problems, arthritis, etc. Not a good time for those suffering from depression. Healthy persons too will be afflicted by unnecessary tension and sadness. Normal profit is indicated financially. Father’s health might also suffer. But ties with brothers will strengthen and joint works will be completed successfully.Women within the family will get into arguments with each other. Money will be spent on wasteful things. Mother’s health will not be favourable. Bad news is likely from mother’s father’s side. Avoid loans, land, house and vehicle deals on July 19, 20. Not a very favourable time for students. Those in partnerships will also gain. Gain is also indicated concerning land, house or vehicle. But there will be some obstacles. Business might see a minor loss. Good news from the daughter’s side is also expected. Relations between husband and wife will be on an even keel.Mental distraction and love affair will have an adverse impact. Do dhyan yoga to control your mind. Those seeking a child will get find success. There’ll be a decrease in social status and respect. Promotion for those in jobs will be stalled.

Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March
Money wise, this is a good time. A favourable time on the health front. Condition of those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and heart patients will improve. But not a good time for those afflicted with arthritis, gastric and abdominal problems. Ties with friends and colleagues will strengthen and auspicious time will be there are at home. Friends will be supportive as will be relatives. But unnecessary arguments between brothers is indicated. Do not do any deal involving money on July 19, 20. Those involved in clothes, food grain and sport businesses will see profit from July 28. A normal period so far as land, house and vehicle comforts are concerned. Those involved in share market and property business should keep a control on investment. Those preparing for IAS, PCS will see success. Those seeking a child will get the good news. A good time for students. Interest in studies will increase and job opportunities will arise. Success in examination is indicated. Condition of the couples who are not well will improve. Be on the guard while driving and travelling. Social respect and fame will get hit. Avoid getting into public disputes. A favourable news concerning children will be received. Travel is on the cards. Ties between husband and wife will strengthen.

Dr. A.Shanker
MBA, PhD, Jyotishacarya
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