Trends of Signs (Rāśi’s) from 15-30 May

trends of signs rasis

B A S E D   O N   M O O N   S I G N S   –   T H E   I N D I A N   S Y S T E M   A S   P E R   T H E   D A T E S
Exclusively for viewers- famous astrologer, Dr. A. Shanker will reply to your queries. Feel free to ASK. You will receive reply within 3 days! (Fortnightly Forecast)


Aries (Mésh)
 March 21 – April 19

Those suffering from serious illnesses will recover as will blood pressure, heart and sugar patients. Little anxiety on your health will be there. Avoid giving or taking loans in this period. Needless advices within the family may arise. Differences are likely with relatives and propitious works will face difficulties. Business will increase. Gains are indicated concerning land and vehicle. Builders will see profit. For students this is an average time. Concentration will remain indecisive. Being focus you’ll have to work harder. Enemies will be quite during this period. Relations between husband and wife will be normal. Drive carefully and do not go on travel. Guard against infamy as social respect will suffer. Even if you help someone, it won’t help in any gain in respect and status. It’s a good time especially for those in high value metal trade. For politicians, the time is tough, careful on every move and statement. Success is indicated in court cases. Wasteful expenditure can be seen on the cards.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


20 April – 20 May

Not a favourable time so far as health is concerned. But those suffering from gastric and abdominal ailments, heart problems and blood pressure need to be on watch. Gastric patients need to take care while eating. Money-wise, it’s an normal time. Family relations will remain on an even upset as will ties with friends and colleagues. Business will be super low during this period. Property business will see a downward trend. A loss is indicated as far as land and vehicle is concerned. Auto and metal businesses will see losses. Businesses involving grains, retail and air-conditioning will prosper. For students this is a again not a favourable time. Studies will go well but confusion will be there for future ahead, especially for those in medical and accountancy fields. Adversaries will be defeated. Married life will be little disturbed; try to guard against irregular behaviour. There are indications of an accident so do drive carefully. Social respect and fame will increase. Success is indicated in court. Government servants will get promotion opportunities. Wasteful expenditure is likely therefore those in property and share market should be cautious.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June

Again, not a favourable time on the health front for Geminis. The time is especially bad for those suffering from lungs, hernia and hysdrosil diseases. Women might get venereal diseases like leukorrhea. People aggrieved with piles need to be careful. The condition of depression patients is likely to worsen; practice meditation to keep well. Financially it’s a good time. Family ties will strengthen. Friends and colleagues will be supportive. Auspicious works will be carried out in the family. Ties with brothers and other family members will strengthen and misunderstandings will disappear. Business will improve and profit in land and vehicle is on the cards. The time is especially good for those running online business. For students, the time is quite depressive and will create confusion. But for those who have Moon and Saturn at unfavourable position in their birth chart, problems will arise. Financial and mental loss is indicated. The fear of adversaries will increase. Married life will be quite disturbed. You will get interested in religious works; pilgrimage is on the cards. Gain in social respect is indicated.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


21 June – 22 July

An average time health-wise for Cancerians. The condition of those suffering with high blood pressure, heart diseases and sugar may detroit their condition. But for gastric and ulcer patients the time is unfavourable. May 17, 18 and 19 is particularly bad for patients with serious ailments. Family ties will strengthen. Friends and colleagues will be supportive. Financially, it’s a good time. You’ll get money which you had given up as lost or stuck. If there have been some dispute with brothers, it’ll get resolved. Good time for partnerships. Excellent time for those in retail business. Differences might crop up with parents. Parents’ health might worsen and it is likely that they might suffer with poor health. For students, May 15 and 16 is particularly unfavourable. Rest of the fortnight is average. Percentage in examinations will fall. Harm from friends is likely. Ties between husband and wife will be on an even keel. Wife might get emotional; so do be on guard against getting attracted to a stranger. Avoid travel. You will gain socially. Respect and fame is on the cards. An average period so far as job is concerned.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August

An average/bad time health-wise. Unfavourable time for those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases. Not a good time for persons afflicted with blood problems and allergy. Family environment will be cordial. Propitious works will be carried out in the family. In case there are disagreements with friends and colleagues, they will be resolved. Ties with brothers will toughen. Tough time in business is indicated, especially for those in property business and builders. There might be some disruptions but do keep patience. Mother’s health might suffer. For students, this is a favourable period, especially for those in technical field. Avoid getting into fights with kids at home. A troublesome time for pregnant women. Relations between husband and wife will be good and lovable. Be on guard against confusions. This might adversely affect social fame and veneration. Good profit is on the cards in business. But those in government service will face problems in getting a promotion. Superfluous conflicts will happen at work place. Extravagant expenditure too is indicated during this time.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September

An average time on the mental health front. Serious patients those suffering from high blood pressure, sugar and heart diseases be careful on health front, take good care and they will feel better. Gastric patients should be careful in their food habits. Financially, it’s an average time. You’ll spend more than required. Needless conflicts are likely with family members. Transformations with friends and colleagues are indicated. Favourable works will be disrupted. Happiness from land, vehicle and property will be normal. Property business will be an average. Rest of the works will be disrupted. Parent health will suffer. For students, this is an excellent time for focus studies, do meditation and focus. Interest in studies will increase and success in examinations is foretold. Job opportunities will be there. Fear of enemies will lessen. Newly married life will be full of love. Attraction with others will also increase, so be careful. Pilgrimage is on the cards. Business will increase, especially for those involved in grains and retail trade. Those in government service might get promoted.

Recommendation; Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


23 September – 22 October

Librans, slight better time is coming health-wise. People who are having small health issues, will be on recovering stage. Serious illnesses will be treated. High blood pressure, diabetes and heart patients will improve. Dental patients are in for a tough time. Gastrointestinal system will be good and physical strength will increase. Those who have Saturn and Moon in tragic place of their charts, they will face health glitches along with mental tension and financial losses. Financially, it’s a decent time. Family ties will be normal. Needless conflicts are likely. Period is not good to give loan to others. Relations with family on the mother’s side will be full of love. A good time, you may get you stuck money from the land deal. Property business will be sluggish as will be the case for those in share market. For students, it’s an average time, be focus, do meditation. They will be distracted and mental peace will be elusive. Works will be obstructed. Married life too will be average. Partner’s health might suffer and there are chances of getting into unnecessary disputes. Avoid travel. You will gain in social respect; try not to get proud.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Scorpio (Virīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November

A favourable time on the health front for those who are mentally strong. But those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and depression with anxiety needs to be careful. Mutual ties will be friendly. But stiffness is expected in partnerships, so be on watch. An average time financially. Avoid exchanging money. Ties with family members will strengthen. Sisters will get much love and financial help from brothers. Normal happiness concerning land and vehicle is on the cards. Those in business concerning electricity, grains, paper and bullion will be in profit. Property business will be lethargic. Do not invest on May 27, 28 and 29. An average time for students. Mental distractions will be there and there will be a loss of interest in studies. Beware of batchmates as there are chances of mutual disagreements and conflicts. Parents will be a little concerned about their small children, they may stubborn, put extra efforts in them. Pregnant women get extra attention from the family and their partners. Ties between husband and wife will be normal. Cancer patients need to be extra careful. You’ll get a chance to do social work. You’ll gain in social respect and status. Avoid misunderstandings. There are chances that wife might get venereal disease.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Sagittarius (Dhānū)
22 November – 21 December

An average time health-wise for Sagittarians. Patients of blood pressure, sugar and heart needs to be careful. Dental problems if any will increase. Others will face no problems on the health front. Financially, it’s an average time. Old disputes will get fixed. Favourable work will be done in the family. Relations with friends and colleagues will be supported. Long pending stuck money or any property dispute will be resolved. Land, vehicle comfort will be normal. Ties with brothers will be welcoming. Saturn might raise difficulties but not to worry, these are temporary. For students, this is an average and depressive time, meditation is important. Parents will be a little anxious about children. No major success is on the cards. Fear of adversaries will be there. Married life will be on an even keel; no major gain or loss is on the cards. You’ll get interested in religious works.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January

Health-wise not a favourable time for those who have Moon and Shani at unlucky place in their charts. Time is also unfavourable for serious patients. For others, their condition will improve in case of any health issues. Financially, it’s an average time. Shani’s sade-satti will push native towards wasteful expenditure. Such problems will arise only for those who do not have Moon and Shani in a favourable place on their charts. Problems like family fights and conflicts with friends and colleagues will upset work. Land and vehicle comfort is normal. Profit in property business will be less. Conflicts with close ones are on the cards. Time is average for students too, success will not be equal to the efforts put in. Percentage in examinations will fall, so do keep patience. Parents will be concerned about children; child’s behaviour will trouble parents, give them good time to make them comfirtable. Politicians may suffer a loss in respect.Married life will be good and love between the couple will rise. Pregnant women will face difficulties, the condition will improve soon. Promotion in the job is likely to delayed. There will be no loss in social respect and status. Even though there will be obstacles, your works will be completed.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January–18 February

Not a good time on the health front for Aquarians, time is especially depraved for heart disease patients. Heart patients therefore are might suffer a paralytic attack. Stomach illnesses are likely for healthy for Aquarians natives. Financially an average time. Family ties might suffer. Conflicts with neighbours can be seen, be cool that will over else it may go worsen. Unnecessary disagreements with superiors are also likely. Auspicious works will be disrupted. Loss regarding land or vehicle is on the cards. Do not do land and vehicle deals and buying or selling on May16, 17, 18. Avoid giving or taking loans on these dates. Students will face misery. Unnecessary thoughts will increase mental tension, do meditation. So do study with patience. Married life will be happy; husband and wife will come closer and confusions will be removed. . But you will face disrespect from those close to you. You will gain in social status; respect and fame will increase.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….


Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March

A favourable time health-wise for Pisceans. Serious patients take more care else you may suffer. Time will be a slight unfavourable for those distressed with stomach illnesses like digestive issues and ulcers. Those suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes and heart ailments will also see improvement. Harmony and contentment will reign in the family. Relatives, friends and colleagues will be supportive. Mutual disagreements will get resolved. Disputes in businesses are shown. Financially, it’s not a good time though at times wasteful expenditure will happen and payments might get stuck. Time is good for land, vehicle and property business. Parents will be full of love and their behaviour will bring happiness. Differences, if any, with parent will get resolved. Job opportunities will present themselves. Do not get doubtful about your partner. Married life will be on an even upturn. Unnecessary disagreements might also crop up. There will be gain in social respect and status. Politicians, be careful about your social status while giving public statement as your confidence is high which may lead to wrong controversial statements.

Recommendation: Recital ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ every day for yourself and your family wellbeing….

doctor a shanker saachibaat 2
doctor a shanker saachibaat
Dr. Shanker Adawal

Dr. A.Shanker
MBA, PhD, Jyotishacarya
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