Trends of Signs (Rāśi’s) from 01-15 July

trends of signs rasis 2

B A S E D   O N   M O O N   S I G N S   –   T H E   I N D I A N   S Y S T E M   A S   P E R   T H E   D A T E S
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Aries (Mésh)
 March 21 – April 19

You may lose self-respect and may suffer humiliation during this period. There will be shortage of money, you may get involved in litigation and spend unnecessarily. There will be a fear of unknown threat or any confinement. Restlessness, no mental stability also can be one of the cause during this period. Person who is already struggling with diseases and bad health may have the high extent of danger to life too. The possibility of travel to remote foreign countries for the spiritual purposes. You may experience good luck, earning good wealth, and favourable educational experiences can also be predicted. You may move or obtain a new home or new car with the benefit from his/her mother and your relationship will bring happiness during this time to your mother.

If legacies are promised in the nativity, this is the best position of the great benefic for obtaining them. Gains (any kind) should have also come through the partners or connected people. It tends to produce a more tranquil state of mind where you may get some intuitive powers and may feel more energetic and in a way that everything is going well. Those who have a well-placed Jupiter, should make great strides. Since the mind is clearer and better balanced, the intuition is increased and there are higher aspirations. Both Jupiter and this house have to do with foreign affairs, so that when the aspects are good, it makes an excellent time to deal with foreign clients, if having and chance to visit far places, other countries and even long exited journeys while establishing communication with famous people. This period is also excellent for publications and for handling lawsuits.

You will maintain good health, promotions, favoritism and general happiness. Good period if you are into politics (any kind). You will perceive religious rules, discipline life, sacred deeds, undertake rituals like Pooja and religious remedies. Your fortune will shine during this time. Your income will increase and you may get support from your parents. Many people will come forward to help you. You may patronise many people and protects them too. Favourable experiences with children, successful investments, and mental exuberance. There will be delays, obstacles, and complications with all siblings, younger and older. You may experience temporary difficulties and setbacks in fulfilling your goals and ambitions. You may have stress in the workplace and pressure on the health.


20 April – 20 May

You feel the need for progress, strong emotional involvement can be seen during this period, career point of view it is essential that you should feel fulfilled. You will effortlessly fulfil your daily desires and major goals. You will be having tremendous energy for daily errands and minor tasks. Relations with siblings will favour along with excellent social life activities can be seen during this transits. You may have promotions, advancement, good luck, good fortune with spiritual development. In the nativity this is particularly good and the best times to marry. An excellent period for partnerships, all kind of union, also opportunities to overcome from disputes/differences.

You will have the risk of over-whelming strong feelings on random thoughts cause pushing yourself to violent behavior. Your outlook will be optimistic and there will be abundant enthusiasm both extremely positive traits unless they are over expressed and become blind optimism. There will be exaggeration of your licentious behavior where wishing and achieving freedom at any price will lacking your concentration. You may have liaison with low ranked men, scandal may crop up, result you may get defamed, may lose health too, you may suffer on account of unfavourable travel, accidents may happen, misfortune and misery may follow and shortage of money too during this period. You may get involved in litigation and spend unnecessarily on that account which may cause the fear of imprisonment. You may contact with some infection, unstable and random thoughts may disturb the mental peace.

Gains should also come through the partner, of whatever kind. It tends to produce a more tranquil state of mind, and intuitive feeling, coming from the higher powers, that everything is well. Your desire to control things to a certain extent but scope will be widened in the mode of this free-ranging sign. Freedom of thoughts and actions will be achieved through stability and determination, may become more serious and dignify in your life. Saturn always increases concentration and encourages the desire to study, so that the intellectual potential is fully developed.

Investments during this time will not help, dealings with children can give you challenges. This is the best time to be in discipline, learn how to become responsible, and preparation for one’s duty in worldly matters. An unfavourable time for getting help from partners, insurance companies and from lending institutions and gains from wills legacies. Affairs stemming from joint finances and previous borrowing may bring feelings of burden and stress at this time. It is a very poor time to borrow money or undertake new financial risks or ventures. Your patience, persistence, and perseverance will pay in the long run. Gain through parent property. You may suffer from secret diseases during this period.


Gemini (Mithūn)
21 May – 20 June

You feel the need for progress and a strong emotional involvement in interests or career is essential if you are feeling fulfilled. You will not be plagued by unexpected debts and expenses. Growth is plentiful, and you will make very good progress on the spiritual path. You will not be bothered by rivals, opponents, or jealous people. During this period mostly people gain weight but no health issues are there, good period for seeking the employment or change of work, you may have issues with servants and may change your helping hand in this period. Your outlook is optimistic and there will be abundant enthusiasm both extremely positive traits unless they are over expressed and become blind optimism. You will effortlessly fulfil your daily desires and major goals. You have tremendous energy for daily errands and minor tasks during this period. Relationships with siblings may favor, new friends and group activities may occur during this period. You may have promotions, advancement, good luck and fortune with a measure of spiritual development too.

You can expect strong sexual desires and cravings, which you now fulfil effortlessly. You may become diplomatic and experience peace and harmony with a powerful sense of appreciation in this period. You may find your Love quietly and naturally. You may more sociable, generous, affectionate and capable of being intimate with your partners. Freedom of thought and action will be achieved through long study, through application and determination. Gravity and dignity will increase with age. Here Saturn heightens concentration and encourages the desire to study, so that the intellectual potential is fully developed. You may face difficulties or limited fulfilment with travel, religious or spiritual. You will enjoy a more public existence or begins an upward climb towards career goals, but by the end of this transit, you are likely to understand love as something much greater than mere emotions, sensations, or a happy state of mind. The person’s ability to love may be tested to the limit. You may be attracted to older, authoritarian lovers.


21 June – 22 July

It indicates a date with very good luck and favoritism. There will also be general good health and well-being as well as benefits of travel, higher knowledge and blessings from spiritual teachers. You will receive love, affection from friends and from eldest siblings. You have an easy time fulfilling major goals and desires and opportunities are consistent and abundant. You will be mentally happy and will in full spirit. You may take an interest in mantras, hypnotism, other spiritual techniques. You will sense the destiny and purpose of your existence and realisisation that what you deserve for better or for worse. You may get pleasure through different activities like holidays on some prominent places, if You is woman (in woman’s chart), she may involve with a friendship with a man. If the woman is of marriageable age, there will be an attachment of a very joyful nature person.

There will be an excess of emotion, unwise speculations and extravagances, some gambling, over spending money. Your outlook is optimistic and there will be abundant enthusiasm both extremely positive traits unless they are over expressed and become blind optimism. This year is for wealth and career expansion. You will also benefit from education, knowledge or any literary undertakings. And will succeed in doing good deeds for society at this time. You will not be plagued by unexpected debts and expenses. Growth is plentiful, and you will make very good progress on the spiritual path. Travel to remote foreign countries for spiritual purposes may occur at this time. You will not be bothered by rivals, opponents, or jealous people. Neither you are likely to be accused in court cases.

If afflicted, the freedom of mind and action stultified results anger/hate. You will face difficulties with sexual enjoyment, debts and expenses though legacies. It is not a good time to borrow or spend money. Also, spiritual and occult studies are not much favoured. You will have difficulties and frustration with Siblings, as well as limited energy to fulfil one’s daily desires and ambitions. All his sickness will disappear and body becomes sound and fit. His body will pack forth new attraction with glow and he will have an image of colourful personality. He may eat like a glutton but will digest it with no strain on the system. Serious ups and downs in married life, and a strange, eccentric or highly spiritual spouse. Your greatest growth evolution and fulfilment will come through developing your own personality and personal power. There will be unsolved difficulties and problems.


Leo (Sīmhā)
23 July – 22 August

You may develop the interest in spiritualism during this period, to know or study occult science, metaphysical studies etc., which result overall spiritual growth. You may get good results from old wills, legacies, joint finances, and money from “unearned” means like lotteries, insurance benefits etc. This period gives the possibility of travel to remote foreign countries for spiritual purposes, along with beneficial experiences of know their culture etc. You will have career success and expansion of one’s influence in the professional sphere. You will be happy, contented and successful in obtaining cars, homes, ornaments, educational degrees etc.

This is the time when you should seek to settle permanently into congenial surroundings as Jupiter always brings permanent benefits to the You when in positive aspects. Jupiter in 4thhouse makes sociability in the home for better and more harmonious domestic conditions, brings better chances solve any issues if having in a successful ending. There will also be general good health and well-being as well as benefits of travel, higher knowledge and blessings from spiritual teachers.

There may be more pleasure related activities, You shall certainly be in hidden love affair. If you are a woman of marriageable age and looking for partner, you will be surely meet to a joyful nature man. Also, an excess of emotion, unwise speculations and extravagances along with gambling, wastage of money in a foolish manner can be seen during this period. You may have difficulties with groups and friends; you may encounter restrictions or problems with your spouse. If you are Single, you have fewer opportunities for creating a beneficial love relationship at this time. You face financial delays and obstacles. Your thinking is subject to depression, seriousness or pessimism. Your body is vulnerable to stomach (not heart) problems.

However, all forms of gambling and speculation should be avoided as no luck will favor during this time. There may be also restrictions, burden, difficulties, and grief through children and youngsters. Women may bear unwanted pregnancies or abortions. Health wise, the heart may be vulnerable or under pressure. There may be love affairs with older or authoritarian individuals. Then this acts in the reverse manner to Jupiter’s transits., instead of bringing attachments and love affairs, is more likely to break any that may be in progress, to make the You colder, less emotional and less responsive to the magnetism of others. Your legs or one leg may get fractured. You will lose courage and confidence. You may start your work in some way and will finish it quite against the planned pattern and may result in failures. Strong health, excellent ability to defeat enemies and competitors, daily work involving metaphysical healing techniques. Wife will be cured from ill health. Her look will have a new glow and attraction. Children’s health also is cured if any issues persists, Luxury shopping may possible during this period. You may develop faith and spiritual devotion and gets providential help.


Virgo (Kanyā)
23 August – 22 September

There is a possibility of marriage/love relationship in case of marriageable age. A period of good luck, long-distance travel and favorable experiences and enhance of good knowledge, indications are there that you may contact in religious teachers or institutions of higher learning. You may be benefited by positive group activity and good rapport in friends, relatives/society. It also indicates benefits from the eldest sibling and financial gains from “side ventures” other than one’s daily means of support. You are very energetic and active within your immediate surroundings. You may enjoy the company of brothers and sisters, or receive benefits, blessings, and advantages from them. You will be constantly making short journeys within your neighbourhood. You may interact more with friends, neighbours and relatives than usual. You may enjoy variety of “life” for approximately one year. Excellent time for you to seek promotion, increase in salary if employed. There will be favourable outcome for any journey undertaken. Your outlook is optimistic and there will be abundant enthusiasm both extremely positive traits unless they are over expressed and become blind optimism. You will have career success and expansion of one’s influence in the professional sphere. You will be happy and content from your well being, you may successfully be obtaining cars, homes, ornaments, educational degrees. Be careful, you may face legal difficulties in connection with the home, property or investments if any during this period. If you are careful about your action and impulsiveness, you may avoid this situation, be cool and calm, let go this time.


23 September – 22 October

You may experience a joyful sense of abundance and worthiness. As a result, you will attract significant financial gains and material, possessions & discover resources wherever they are to be found. You may receive pay raises, pensions, stipends or other monetary benefits. Guard against mismanagement of your resources. Comforts and pleasures will be at your command. Increase in financial prospects and new opportunities to make money will be available. A wastage of money, extravagance and loss. You have the risk of random strong thoughts which controls your mind and body may be pushing you in depression or violent aggressive person at home and outside. Your view point will be very positive and there will be abundant enthusiasm in you during this period. There will be amplification of your immoral activities and lack of restrictions all the time may make you suffer. There is a possibility of marriage or a significant new relationship based on love, a period of good luck, long-distance travel, and favourable experiences are indicated. You may be benefited by positive group activities and good rapport with friends. You will be very energetic and active within your immediate surroundings, relationships within this period. You may enjoy the company of brothers and sisters; receive benefits, blessings along with advantages from them. You may feel strong sense of determination and will power; you may feel compelled to follow your own instincts, desires at this time. You may produce creations which are extraordinary during this tenure. Due to bad and wicked minded friends you may invite miseries and gets into trouble during this time. There may be a heavy loss of money, your mind will indulge in errant acts only. Be careful, you avoid this incident.


Scorpio (Virīśchīk)
23 October – 21 November

You will experience great creativity with mental harmony. There is a possibility of new love relationship. The time signifies travelling, auspicious religious experiences, attainment of higher knowledge and good luck too. You will have to meet unwanted expenditures; money will be easily spent. You’s capability of doing things slows down like good functional ability will fall down.

There will be exaggeration of your licentious behaviour and independence at any price will not help you being focus towards your goals. Also, an excess of emotion, unwise speculations and extravagances along with gambling, wastage of money in a foolish manner can be seen during this period. You may acquire money and domestic happiness, you may get wealth through partnerships and joint finances, Loans/money borrow for any business will becoming easy with slight restrictions during this period, you may experience a joyful sense of abundance and worthiness.

As a result, you will attract significant financial gains and material possessions while discovering resources wherever they are to be found. You may receive pay raises, pensions, stipends or other monetary benefits. This transit will be favourable in the sphere of material possessions and resources, but it is excellent also for an increase in your spiritual standard as well as other dimensions of life. Comforts and pleasures will be at your command. So, be watchful against mismanagement of existing/earned resources.

You may feel strong sense of determination and will power; you may feel compelled to follow your own instincts, desires at this time. You may produce creations which are extraordinary. Also, you may suddenly face restricted financial success from your existing side ventures. However, there may be good spiritual and mystical experiences. Also money can be earned from metaphysical or natural healing techniques. Your greatest growth, evolution, and fulfilment will come through relinquishing your desires for possessions, and helping others to determine their values, Success and happiness will be found in pursuits involving the occult metaphysics, mysticism, and psychic work


Sagittarius (Dhānū)
22 November – 21 December

You will enjoy your daily routine work and gets along well with your superiors. You may get money from partners, wills, legacies and other unearned means till now. Your outlook is optimistic and there will be abundant enthusiasm both extremely positive traits unless they are over expressed and become blind optimism. The time signifies travelling, auspicious religious experiences, attainment of higher knowledge and good luck too. Also money can be earned from metaphysical or natural healing techniques. Your greatest growth, evolution, and fulfilment will come through relinquishing your desires for possessions, and helping others to determine their values, Success and happiness will be found in pursuits involving the occult metaphysics, mysticism, and psychic work. Significant ups and downs in married life. Minor issues which need to be addressed are constantly arising (to be dealt with). The spouse may become worldly materialistic, powerful, manipulative or domineering. You may lose self-respect on some point of situation, be careful. There may be some misunderstandings may occur with family and friends. Confidence is weakened and you may be shy, impish or rather invisible.


Capricorn (Makar)
22 December – 19 January

You may feel little prosper during this period, also get benefits from your friends and family members. You will command honor, respect from Government too. You will do charitable acts too. You will gain through your knowledge money comes to you from many sources. Investments and speculations bring rewards and you are of a happy, exuberant mind. You may also travel and may gain from it during this period.

Best period for friendships, establishing good connections of important, influential people, those who belongs to ministries, legal profession or Foreign Services. There are better chances for the realization of one’s hopes and wishes than under any influence. This period may brings extravagances and profligacy and some waste or heavy expenses can be seen.

There will be abundant enthusiasm both extremely positive traits unless they are over expressed and become blind optimism. There strong possibilities of obtaining land or moving to a new home. It also indicates luck and benefits from mother. Educational degrees will play a big roll and favour your career, you may get jewellery, all luxury comforts like a new car, costly gadgets etc. You will not be bothered by enemies or competitors; health will be good. You will enjoy your daily routine work and gets along well with your superiors. You may get money from partners, wills, legacies and other unearned means till now. You may visit astrologers, palm readers and spiritualists or you may engage yourself in occult studies. You get bargains and incur neither unexpected debts nor expenses. Finally, you will enjoy sexual pleasures and sleeps on luxurious beds. Finally, you will enjoy sexual pleasures and sleeps on luxurious beds. You may feel strong sense of determination and will power, you may feel compelled to follow your own instincts, desires at this time. You may produce creations which are extraordinary during this period.

There may also be hardships involving health, education, servants, employers, or employees. You may have problems bosses during this period. Mind will be more reflective and poised. You may humiliate often during this period. You may get some additional income during this time. If already suffering with ail health, you will be cured fully, also regain sound health. Your earning capacity will improve. You will command respect and honour at your own place. You will gain from your maternal uncle during this period


Aquarius (Kūmbh)
20 January–18 February

You will be happy and content from your current situation during this period. If you are a student, you may accomplish your forthcoming educational goals. You may obtain land, homes and cars. You may also buy jewellery, high-end house hold gadgets as well as luxury electronics items for your comfort. You may also have religious or spiritual pilgrimages. Your mind will get easily tired and there will be low in self-confidence during this time. A favourable time for domestic and social matters, your popularity rises. This period may bring legal matters, also it may bring loss in business, and either through failures or by poor investments, and waste and extravagance is also there. Your outlook is optimistic and there will be abundant enthusiasm both extremely positive traits unless they are over expressed and become blind optimism. Investments and speculations now bring rewards and you are of a happy, exuberant mind. You may also get chances of foreign travel and may also have some gains through it. You may produce creations which are extraordinary. You will face restriction in the practical matters of wealth and daily work. There may also be hardships involving health, education, servants, employers, or employees. You may get in touch with more serious type of friends, those who are older and have a greater sense of responsibility. You may face some difficulties and sorrow through friends, some ill feeling, coldness, misunderstanding may occur which will take some time to clear up. Your earning capacity may improve during this time. You command respect at your own place.


Pisces (Meén)
19 February – 20 March

You will maintain good health, promotions, favouritism and general happiness during this period. You may achieve milestones if in politics. You will observe religious rule, discipline life, deeds and undertake rituals like Pooja and religious remedies. Your fortune will shine during the time. Your income will increase along with good support from your parents, also get help from outside resources. This is a good time for all matters of philosophy, science or religion. Those who have a well-placed Jupiter must make great strides while Jupiter is transiting through this house, since the mind is well balanced when your intuition will increase with higher aspirations. Care should be taken in all the matters, there will be danger of loss any kind, waste or failures due to poor judgment, over enthusiasm or arrogance, particularly applied to litigations etc. This period is an excellent time, financial benefits, good working conditions, success in all practical matters. Good health and you will not bother by enemies and competitors. You will face restriction in the practical matters of wealth and daily work. There may also be hardships involving health, education, servants, employers, or employees. You have more debts and expenses than usual, possibilities of loss from theft. The father may begin to behave strictly or severely. Possibilities are there for withdrawing emotional support from father. Legal difficulties can come during this period but in its positive aspects. You will probably attain to some position, will get trusted and responsible by the connected people. You have to feel yourself important with some self-confidence in a way that you care for others and dignity as to receive the admiration and respect of those with whom you have to deal. Your education will be interrupted if you are a student. The possibilities are there to vacate your rental home or landed property etc.

doctor a shanker saachibaat 2
doctor a shanker saachibaat
Dr. Shanker Adawal

Dr. A.Shanker
MBA, PhD, Jyotishacarya
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