Transformation- A Journey Or An Aspiration? by Prerna Gupta

Transformation- A Journey Or An Aspiration?
What Does Transformation Mean?

Transformation simply means bringing changes in the physical, mental, emotional, and financial
status of yourself as and how you desire instead of being a victim of the circumstances. For
example, you and your family are going through poverty. Then, you have two options, either to
stay the same or take up the challenge to change it all together and prosper.

Why Do You Need To Transform Yourself Consciously?
You need to consciously take steps to transform yourself because if you don’t, you will be stuck
in the same life situations over and over again. Even after incarnation after incarnation, you
have to deal with the same pattern of life until you as a soul are done with it and finally take
steps to deal with it once and for all.
So, the story concludes that when you can not escape something, why procrastinate or leave it
for later? You must understand that it is your soul matters and lessons you are dealing with. You
can not afford to take it lightly. It is not some job work or homework that another person can do
for you. You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Every little blessing or
curse that comes your way is your own doing.

What Are The Methods Of Transformation?
There are various ways to evolve and transform but the fastest way is the balanced combination
of all four:

1. Study
This means that you should consume content that takes you closer to truth, God, and yourself.
When you understand how energy works, how karma works, and how everything in life is you
doing, then this will guide you to conduct your life righteously and also achieve your goals and
fulfill your purpose.

2. Meditation
There are different schools of meditation available in the world. You can follow any meditation
that you can connect with, all are equally powerful and gradually increase the time that you
spend meditating. Meditation is such a powerful tool that will change you and your life that is

3. Tithings
Tithing is one of the other ways that will help you neutralize your past negative karma and
generate lots of good karma in your present. Tithings mean to donate money to spiritual or
religious purposes. It is recommended to do monthly tithings.

4. Service
You must do weekly service for at least two to four hours. This will help you earn spiritual
currency that is blessings and bring lots of good luck in your life.
How Much Time Do You Need To Transform?
There is not much specific time charted out for transformation that after certain years or months,
you will become a saint, and everything in your life will be blessed out. But yes, one thing is
guaranteed and that is that with everyday practice, you will get 1% better than yesterday. The
bonus is transformation does not depend upon time spent in it but rather on the intensity. So, if
you follow the above-given tools with lots of enthusiasm and sincerity then no one can stop you
from transformation.

Prerna Gupta


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