Taking Charge of Destiny

Taking Charge of Destiny

Blame games are more common among streets than cricket matches. We may not know who to be grateful for but we sure know, whom precisely to blame, to where we would have been if it was not for our parents, neighbors, teachers, friends, siblings, family, cousins, strangers, God, religion, circumstances and if nothing, then it must be fate who chained us. True. Absolutely true. They are all guilty in the courts of our minds and we are the innocent ones, the victims.

And that is where the secret ingredient of transformation lies in the mud game of blame. In order to transform we have to bear hundred percent responsibility for who we are, how we are, and the circumstances we are in right now. Being responsible does not mean taking on the burdens of our lives or surroundings, rather acknowledging the fact that whatever happens to us, we are fully responsible for it either good or bad.

It is only then we realize that the outside world has little to do with how we think, feel and act. It means how we perceive circumstances creates all the difference. Perception shapes attitude, attitude shapes our character and with bold character we take charge of our own destiny.

As Oogway said in Kung Fu Panda, “There are no accidents.” Whatever happens happens for a reason.

So, it is very important to take time out and rewire ourselves, enrich our inner resources. Then,
whatever happens to us, we have the power to mold it into an opportunity to rise higher in the ladder. Even the most dreadful of circumstances becomes a blessing, when we start looking from different lenses.

I quote A P J Abdul Kalam:
“ Are you aware of your inner signals? Do you trust them? Have you taken control over your life into your own hands? The more decisions you can make avoiding external pressures, which will constantly try to manipulate you, the better your life will be, the better your society will become.

In fact the entire nation will benefit by having strong, inwards-looking people as their leaders.
All you need to do is to draw sustenance from within. Rely more on the internal cues and less on the external cues. Your willingness to use your inner resources to invest in your life, especially your imagination, will bring you success.”

But how do we rewire ourselves?
How do we let the outside circumstances not affect us?
How can we shift our position from being a victim to being the master of our destiny?

Answer is to turn inward consciously. Before dealing with the world, we have to deal with ourselves. Before learning how the world works, we have to know how our system functions.

And by that I don’t mean knowing intellectually how our body functions rather by perceiving, feeling and paying attention to how it functions.

For example, surfing is an art. The beginner falls many times while learning but with experience
his fall reduces. It is not that he was born an athlete. But as he spent more and more time with
water, he became familiar with its nature and consciously learnt to respond to it in better

Similarly, when we begin, we won’t be enlightened in a week or month but it is a constant
practice of reminding ourselves to be more aware, to be more conscious of ourselves.

We have to find out: who we are?

And to know that we have to accept that right now what we perceive ourselves is false. We are merely an accumulation of past experiences and teachings. We may associate ourselves with our body and mind. But we are neither our body, nor our mind.

Our real self exists in our unconscious state and to bring it to the surface, we have to follow the
following steps:

Step 1: We have to be aware of the heap of past accumulations. It is what other people have carved out of us while upbringing. It is not us.

Step 2: We have to let go of the need to belong to anything or anyone.

Step 3: We have to take charge of your body, mind and energy.
When we are in full control of our body, we are in charge of 20 percent of our destiny.
When we are in full control of our mind, we are in charge of 60 percent of our destiny.
When we are in full control of our energy, we are in charge of 100 percent of our destiny.

Now, being in 100 percent charge of our destiny does not mean we control situations around us.
Rather irrespective of situations arising in our surroundings, we move towards well being, and respond humanly rather than reacting hastingly.

We are free from negative thoughts, emotions and energy and ride life along like a living miracle everyday

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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