Significance Of The Holy Land Of India by Prerna Gupta

Significance Of The Holy
By just being born in this auspicious land of India, we are born amid many priceless spiritual
blessings we are unaware of. Do you know, that even today India is one of the top places when
it comes to the quest for gurus, saints, and spiritual practices? There are so many hidden
secrets on the very ground we walk and live on.

Spiritual Significance Of The Holy Land Of India
Even though we take our birth for granted or something that just was meant to happen, we are
the chosen ones or the blessed ones. Because the vibrations and frequencies of this land are
very high. This keeps us focused on our path and guided by the invisible great beings.
For millions and thousands of years, this land has witnessed prayers, chanting, meditations, and
devotion. So, irrespective of whether we believe or not and what we perceive, this land of India
carries a history of auspicious cosmic vibrations and anyone walking on this land will be healed
internally and externally.
All one needs is receptivity.

Even those people who believe in sheer hard work and no god have gut feelings and an internal
compass. That is nothing but again divine beings’ intervention for the betterment of our lives.
Every soul in India is one way or the other, guided and blessed which is difficult to put into
All we wish is to understand the significance of how blessed are to just born here. It is our

For people who are not spiritual seekers how does being born in this
country make a difference?

In India, we find power consecration of divine power in temples and various religious places in
every nook and corner of the country. By just frequently visiting these places or living around
their vicinity once aura and chakras are cleansed and the person leads a happy, healthy,
prosperous, and blessed life.

Prerna Gupta

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