Seeking Peace During A Challenging Time! by Prerna Gupta

Seeking Peace
Good and bad days are parts of life. Life runs in cycles. Somedays you are high and some days
it is just difficult to get out of bed. But that is exactly the time that each spiritual seeker has
prepared for with daily meditations and practices to remain calm in difficult times. Buddha said
that it is essential to attain balance in life.

Balance here does not just mean balance between work and family life but on a subtler level
between emotions, thoughts, actions, and energies. It means one must maintain a calm state
between good and bad days and during the highs and lows of life.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Challenges?
There are different kinds of challenges but before diving into that you must understand that it is
alright to have challenges in life, do not have a cynical or repulsive attitude towards them
because they help you evolve and become a better person.
So, be grateful for the situations that come in your life, they will only make you stronger, more
compassionate, and closer to God. Every challenge is a blessing in disguise. It is only that while
going through the hard times, we lack the clarity to see through it.
The following are some of the challenges:

Physical/ Health Challenge:
This is given priority because if one is suffering health-wise then it is difficult for that person to
grow in any field. That is why, one must take care of one’s health by doing proper exercises,
eating healthy food, and having a good sleep cycle.

Emotional/ Relationship Challenge:
If there is a stretch in a relationship then that person can’t achieve higher success in life
because he/she is always entangled in his/ her relationships and there is so much energy of
lack of support, uncertainty, no commitment, and confusion that person has no energy left to
focus on doing productive things in life.

Financial Challenge:
Even though a majority of people in India have an attitude that having a lot of money is not good
it is not right. Money is a powerful resource and if earned honestly and spent in the right
direction, it can have a good impact on society.

On the other hand, having a confusing attitude towards it creates an energy of poverty and you
may struggle financially sometimes, it may also lead to greater loss when you are not able to
send the child to a good school, or because of a lack of money, you lose a loved one.

How Much Time Will It Take To Resolve Things In Life?
There is no specific time frame within which things will be resolved in life, but there are ways
and methods that will speed up the process and if some challenge was supposed to last and
extend for months, it might get over in a few weeks or days. Such is the power of prayers, faith,
service, and tithings.
So, always hold on to hope. In fact, in difficult times, have unwavering faith in God because as
you have placed your faith in Him then never in life He will ever let you fall.

Prerna Gupta

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