Initial Challenges Of Meditation

Lal Krishna Advani 2025 01 12T171150.239

As Swami Vivekananda says, “Every work has got to pass through hundreds of difficulties
before succeeding. Those that persevere will see the light, sooner or later”. So, when you begin
the meditation, it is not at all going to be easy.

What Are The Problems That Will Surface When You Begin

There are many problems that will come your way as you progress in your practices initially
when you sit to meditate emotions and thoughts will pop up both negative and positive, even in
normal interactions there will be outbursts of emotions, but it is good, let it be.

It is like now the emotions, thoughts, and traumas that have been stuck in your aura are coming
to the surface. As you become more aware and conscious of them, you will be able to
disintegrate them and replace them with the right ones, and this will eventually lead to the life of
your dreams.

Why Challenges Come And How To Deal With Them?

With advancement in your practices, there will be different levels of challenges and you can’t
evade them. The truth is if you do not deal with them now, then it will keep coming up in greater
ways in this lifetime and in your reincarnation until you learn the lesson and get it right. So, the
best thing to do is to solve the challenge of whatever comes up in life.

Here is another question: How to solve them? There are two secrets to it:

● First, understand you got the challenge because you are ready to deal with it means
Lords of Karma and God know you are ready and it also implies that you have the
spiritual strength that it requires to solve the problem.

● Secondly, ask for help. The spiritual path is not easy and life is going to be multifold
when you start your spiritual practices. The reason is earlier you were unaware and
living a life of chance but now you will be more conscious and even aware of your and
others’ energy and even of situations that happen in life. The best way is to find your
guru or a mentor or it is impossible to walk on a spiritual path unless you are Buddha or

So, persevere through your initial days of spiritual practices, and there will be a day when you
will be beaming with God’s light from every cell of your body and even acting as God’s
messenger if you wish.

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