

“You gotta let go of that stuff from the past, because it just doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.”

~Po from Kung Fu Panda 2.

Give yourself the choice to be the person you want to be. Give yourself the choice to change.
Give yourself a chance, an earnest shot. Everything is possible. You are equally capable of becoming who you follow today. May it be Bill Gates, Elun Musk, Sadguru, Jim Kwik, Karishma Mehta, Narendra Damodardas Modi, or Lionel Andrés Messi.

We are all born with a fire inside that is continuously telling us to do something, to go after something, to find that love of our life, to dissolve ourselves working on dreams.

But will that be enough is the right question to ask?

When we are past the hormones, family, success, there will still be a part left in us that will remain empty, whose thirst can not be quenched with water, food, romance, money, or success.

It wants to return back home. It wants to return to the cosmos.
It is who we are.
It is our identity.
It is our consciousness.

Right now we are suffering from Alzheimer. We have forgotten the very way back to our home.

And that is why we are constantly struggling with flashbacks, memories, stress, future anxieties, hopes, losses, and life itself.

Once we start living consciously and not compulsively, the mere process of breathing becomes a blissful experience. Slowly and steadily, we experience what it feels like to be alive, to smile, to be blessed. We are
no more afraid of the future or jobs or partners.

Whatever we aspire for and work for is manifested into our lives effortlessly. We become a Kalpavriksha. We become immensely peaceful and blissful. There is not a tinge of losing this state because it is our natural state and right now we are living accidentally, unaware, filled with intellectual information and zero experience.

All we have to do to transform our lives is to pay attention to each and everything. Be it your breath, our heartbeat, our pulse, our digestion, our thoughts, our emotions, our actions, and the things happening around like sunrise, sunset, wind, temperature, food, water, ditch, people, etc.

We don’t have to find the right answer. There is no right answer. We just have to pay attention to the processes happening around us. Because our body is made of air, water, soil, fire and ether.

So, our body is part of earth and earth is part of the solar system. Solar system is part of the Universe. So, ultimately we are part of the Universe and whatever is happening in the Universe is happening to us.
The vibrations, the frequencies, the planetary motions, the change of weather, everything that is the Universe is happening inside us. We have to look inward. There is no book, no religion that can guide us in knowing who we are, where we belong, and how we can reach where we want to.

But great men and yogis have proven that it is possible to attain the Ultimate Consciousness and remain rooted to grounds like Ravindranath Tagore, Rumi, Guru Nanak, Dalai Lama. Just like learning any other skill we have to be willing firstly to explore first this new dimension that is opening in front of us and then, we have to try to enhance our attention and perception of looking at things by ourselves.

And within five to six days of setting intention the entire cosmos will begin to unfold itself before us. But we have to be prepared for magical things to happen to us and not see it logically because science is still dumb founded by the things happening inisde the brain of mystics and serious mediatators.

So, we have to be prepared to let go of everything we perceive as ourselves and embrace the entire Universe as ourselves just like the snake shedding its old skin and growing the new magnificent one.

Spirituality is about attaining harmony inside ourselves and with the Universe. It is about unlocking the unending source of joy and rolling with whatever comes in life.

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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