Well, a classy question debated for generations. Does God exist? If so, in which form? Who is the rightful God? Where is the path to find him? And is there any testimony of anyone who met God? Is spirituality better or religion when it comes to finding God?
Millions of questions and the answer are only one, sit still, close your eyes and breathe. Let your inner self guide you. Create a difference between self and emotions and thoughts. Be aware of that distance and let yourself be alleviated and guided through your inner self.
There is no charted path to God but there sure is one. And your soul knows it. When you have stripped off illusions of body, mind, and emotions, you will see the universal truth. When you will be aware of the creations, you will experience oneness with the creator himself. And that is the truth.
If I say, that there is a car running on the road and nobody manufactured it or there is no manufacturing unit of the car. Will you agree with me? Or will you stamp on me?
Similarly, there must be some divine intelligence who manufactured you and me. If He is capable of manufacturing us, such complex organisms with complex organs functionally magnificently, just think how wonderful He must be.
What more evidence do you need to know God exists? You in yourself are a living testimony.
We are all His children, He loves us all despite our differences, acts, and deeds.