We live in a world of energy. The laws of the energy world are pretty simple and straightforward
i.e. what goes around is what comes around. And no matter how good, wise, or successful we
are on earth, each one of us has some karma to work out hence we have taken the incarnation
and along with that we are creating thousands and even millions of new karma daily as our lives
progress. Karma is not a negative term. It includes both positive and negative actions and
Ways To Neutralise Past Karma
There are many ways propagated by different spiritual and philosophical schools. Sathara is one
way one can negate past negative karmas, which is practiced by Jain monks. It is one of the
extreme means and should probably be avoided. But it is also one of the most popular ways
adopted by Chandra Gupta Maurya when he left his throne and became a monk.
Other ways one can neutralize or cancel out past negative karmas are to give monthly tithing to
religious and spiritual schools, volunteer service, and forgiveness.
In this article, we will talk about how forgiveness can help you neutralize your karma.
Why Forgive Those Who Hurt You?
Things happen in life. None of us are perfect, and there are times when people whom you know
or someone in your relationship hurt you, and there are also times when people whom you
barely know hurt you with their words and actions.
The essence of the principle is you have also hurt people in this life and before consciously and
unconsciously and you are tied to each one of them until you make amends and correct it. One
of the ways to neutralize this kind of relationship karma is by forgiving those who have hurt you
irrespective of what the other person has done, just forgive because if you are successful in
doing so then you will be forgiven for your acts.
And if not in other well-being even then you must be interested in yours. Hence, the concept of
inner forgiveness is propagated in all religions for it goes much beyond inner peace, it is being
karmically unentangled from people you are entangled with.
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