Book the Uplifts the Soul

Book the Uplifts the Soul

“We are in a dream state. The only way to wake up is to refuse to recognize anything as reality except God. Otherwise you will again and again sink to your knees in a mud of suffering that is of your own making, until you realize that neither good fortune nor evil fortune is real, that He alone is real. Then all earthly delusions (disease and health, joy and sorrow, life and death) will pass away.”

~ Sri Yogananda Paramahamsa

Every time, I open this book,
an immediate calmness
descends on me like
a traveler who found
his destination
for which he left his abode
and everything.

Whenever I read the words,
my spirit is refueled with hope,
light, strength, and miracles.

What a cursed way to live:
without faith, without
without love, without purpose,
and without divine guidance and

Especially when the spiritual path
is open for all and one…


Prerna Gupta


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