Are Today’s Meditation As Profound As Earlier? by Prerna Gupta

What Is Meditation?
Meditation is a spiritual tool that when practiced consciously and with complete involvement can
change one’s life and personality completely. The power one gets through meditations is purely
divine and God-blessed. It helps one to achieve their best self and potential.

Why Attracted Great Saints And Yogis Of India To Meditation?
Great Saints and Yogis of different generations and eras have been attracted to meditations for
the ultimate aim of experiencing the divine and being one with the Ultimate or the Supreme
They have left family, friends, jobs, and even homes to fulfill their quest for illumination. These
were people who were devoted to their evolution and not just desire to be better.

Why Do People In The 21st Era Seek Meditation?
While contrary to the great saints and yogis’ purpose people in today’s world meditate to
cultivate mental peace and attain emotional balance. Even though it is not a bad thing but still
anyone who practices meditation will benefit from peace and balance. But that should not be the
ultimate aim.
The ultimate aim should be being aware of our true nature and living a life of bliss, joy, love, and
fulfillment. The ultimate aim should be to live in soul consciousness.

Can Today’s Meditation Be As Profound As Earlier Meditations?
Today’s meditation can be as profound as earlier meditations provided that the spiritual aspirant
finds a guru, a spiritual master who is willing to guide and nurture him or her. For, even though
seeds to develop are in all of us, those who are guided are more likely to succeed than those
who create their path. The probability of success decreases but if there is a devotion like Lord
Buddha in him or her then the whole cosmos will help them to attain their path.

Where To Begin?

There are various schools in India to begin but you must use your intelligence and not follow
any of the schools blindly. Additionally, you should use your intuition to decide which spiritual
schools teachings you can relate to

Prerna Gupta


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