World and International News – 23 March 2022

quad indo pacific


1. India is an emerging global power specially in the economic domain and is a leader in the Indo-Pacific region as part of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), South Korea’s enovy Chang Jae-bok said on Tuesday.

2. PM Modi appreciated briefing by Scott Morrison on Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) partnership: PM Modi and his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison called for an effective “Code of Conduct” in the South China Sea, which is fully consistent with international law.

3. At the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) meeting, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on 22 Mar tried to draw a parallel between Muslims in Palestine and those in Jammu and Kashmir.Speaking at the OIC Opening Ceremony in Islamabad.

4. PM Modi speaks on phone with his British counterpart Boris Johnson. PM Narendra Modi said Russia needs to adhere to the UN Charter, also called for Ukraine’s integrity and territorial sovereignty to be respected and for an immediate end to hostilities.

The two leaders had a detailed discussion on the situation in Ukraine during a phone conversation. Modi reiterated India’s consistent appeal for cessation of hostilities and a return to the path of dialogue and diplomacy.


1. Pakistan PM Imran Khan on Tuesday said Islamophobia grew after the 9/11 terror attacks, adding, Sorry to say, Muslim nations didn’t do anything to check Islamophobia: Imran Khan said.

2. Leaders of Egypt, Israel and UAE met in Sharm El-Sheikh in a first-ever three-way summit since UAE normalised relations with Israel in 2020. Discussions on energy market stability and food security amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine were held at the meeting. Israeli

3. The US embassy in Kyiv said that as per Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry, 2,389 Ukrainian children have been “illegally removed” from the breakaway regions of Luhansk Oblast and Donetsk (Donbas) to Russia. “This is not assistance. It is kidnapping,” said the embassy. There has been a significant pro-Russian separatist presence in the Donbas region since 2014.

4. Prez Zelenskyy says, ready to drop NATO membership for Ukraine’s security, also insist on direct talks with Putin
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he is prepared to discuss a commitment from Ukraine not to seek NATO membership in exchange for a cease-fire, the withdrawal of Russian troops, and a guarantee of Ukraine’s security.

5. Four people were killed and several wounded in a knife attack outside a shopping mall in southern Israel city of Beersheba on Tuesday, according to local media reports.The police are describing the incident as a suspected “terrorist attack”.”

6. A key petroleum exploration project in Nepal’s Dailekh has been stalled as the contractor Chinese team which had gone back to their country did not return in nearly two years.An agreement reached between Nepal and China should have already submitted the full report of petroleum exploration.

7. Sri Lankan Parliament on Tuesday approved amendments to the country’s contentious anti-terrorism law. The amendments to the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) will include the reduction in the detention period of the accused and expedited hearing of cases. The law allows authorities to make warrantless searches and arrests if a person is suspected of being involved in terrorist activity.

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