World and International News -13 October 2021

G20 leaders agreed to work together to avoid a humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan


1. Foreign Minister S Jaishankar is holding a series of meetings this week in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Armenia, India’s key partners in Central Asia and Eurasia. During the first leg of his visit, Jaishankar on 11 Oct (Monday) held extensive dialogues with Kyrgz foreign minister Ruslan Kazakbaev in Bishkek on the Afghan situation.

2. G20 leaders agreed to work together to avoid a humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan, as the EU pledged a one-billion-euro aid package and host Italy stressed the need to maintain contacts with the Taliban.

3. As the Islamist group held its first face-to-face talks with a US-EU delegation in Qatar, US President Joe Biden, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan and India’s PM Modi joined a virtual summit on the looming economic and humanitarian crises sparked by the Taliban’s return to power.


1. The United Nations Security Council strongly condemned the “atrocious” ISIS terror attack on a mosque in Afghanistan and other recent attacks against religious institutions .

2. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reviewed a rare exhibition of weapons systems and vowed to build an “invincible” military, as he accused the United States of creating tensions and not taking action to prove it has no hostile intent toward the North.

3. The Dutch crown princess can marry whoever she wants without giving up her right to the throne, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said. He also said, princess can marry a person of whatever gender she chooses without forfeiting her right to the throne.

Crown Princess Catharina-Amalia, 17, has not made any comments on the matter. The question arose after recently published books argued that the country’s rules exclude the possibility of a same-sex royal couple. Unlike regular marriages, royal marriages need the approval of parliament. Members of the Dutch royal house have on occasion given up their place in the line of succession to marry someone without permission. Gay marriage was legalized in the Netherlands in 2001.

4. At least 28 people were killed and more than a dozen injured on 12 Oct after a packed passenger bus plunged off a road in a hilly region in northwestern Nepal.

5. More than 130 Yemeni rebels have been killed in strikes south of Marib, since fighting for Marib flared last month. Marib city is the internationally recognised government’s last bastion in oil-rich northern Yemen. Hundreds of Iran-backed Huthi rebels and government loyalists have died. According to military sources, the rebels seized Al-Jawbah district in southern Marib province.

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