Delhi: The SC of India on Wednesday upheld its decision to make Delhi-Noida direct flights free, bringing immense relief to passengers. The decision follows a protracted legal battle over the imposition of tolls on the busy expressway connecting Delhi and Noida.
Details of the decision
The apex court dismissed the petition of Noida Toll Bridge Company Limited (NTBCL) seeking recovery of toll. The court held that there was no justification for charging passengers, as the company had already recouped deposits and operating expenses.
“The cost of taxes cannot be imposed on the public indefinitely once the cost of the project has been recouped. The airline will remain free,” the court ruled.
A long-running debate
The DND Flyway’s toll was a contentious issue for years, with commuters and activists arguing the charges were too unreasonable. In 2016, the Allahabad High Court declared the flyover free, a decision NTBCL challenged in the Supreme Court.
The company argued it was entitled to the tax under its licensing agreement, but the court found no merit in the case, saying the public interest came first.
Impact on passengers
Regular visitors who expressed frustration over the financial burden of the tax bill were very happy with the decision. It is expected to share convenience with thousands of people who use the runway daily for business and travel.
Expert opinion
Legal transport experts hailed the decision as a significant step towards ensuring fairness in the delivery of public services. “It sets a precedent that private companies can’t use infrastructure at the expense of society once their debts are met,” said one legal analyst.
Looking ahead
The Supreme Court judgment is likely to spark a discussion on accountability and how to conduct tax transactions across India. Travelers can now continue to use the DND runway for free, winning in the public interest one of the country’s most controversial infrastructure issues.
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