“I appeal to everyone, please look at Kashmir from the lens of Humanity,” says Mehbooba Mufti, former Chief Minister of J&K

Mehbooba Mufti

Mehbooba Mufti, the former Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir, and the President of People’s Democratic Party (PDP) on Friday said that she would appeal to everyone to look at Kashmir from the lens of Humanity. The former J&K Chief Minister was speaking during a panel discussion on the subject- ‘Kashmir: Changing the Discourse’. The panel included the likes of N. Ram, former editor-in-chief, Frontline magazine & Director, The Hindu Group, AS Dulat, former Chief of the Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW), Pavan K Verma, author, ex-diplomat, and former Rajya Sabha MP.

The discussion took place in New Delhi as part of the launch of the redesigned Frontline, a fortnightly news magazine from The Hindu Group. The magazine has been at the forefront of in-depth, intellectual, and scrupulous journalism, establishing itself as a prominent media entity.

Speaking at the event Mufti said, “I feel many of us are concerned about what is happening in our country. Everyone cheered when the surgical strike took place, but the most devastating surgical strike was on 5th August 2019, when our Indian Constitution was bulldozed. People cheered and jeered. Everything was taken away from us and the way the people behaved after that was not welcoming. I appeal to everyone, please look at Kashmir from lens of humanity.”

“We need to restore the rights of the people. BJP has been part of the problem for a long time. My father wanted to take the bull by the horns and resolve the Kashmir issue. He always wanted a peaceful resolution to the situation. We are working with very limited resources. Nothing is normal about the abnormal situation in J&K. A country should run as per the Constitution. Days before G20 was held, several youths were put in preventive detention. People were jailed to show that everything is normal in Kashmir. We need to find a resolution to the Kashmir problem. Why can’t we restore silk route, why cannot we make Kashmir a gateway to the Central Asia,” she added.

N. Ram, former editor-in-chief, Frontline & Director, The Hindu Group, said, “Kashmir is being robbed of its statehood. In January, the Chief Election Commissioner said that everything is ready, and the elections will take place, but the question is when are the elections going to happen? It needs to happen. What is happening in former state of Jammu and Kashmir is much worse than what happened during the Emergency. I am disappointed by the Supreme Court as to why they have not given this matter a priority. Why has it taken so long for the Apex Court and the matter is not even in the threshold to hear. People need to speak up because the people of Jammu and Kashmir feel that they don’t have enough solidarity from the rest of the country. Political leaders should do more.”

“There should be fair elections and democratic as they have been rigged in the past. It should not be a national question but a democratic question. I also feel that the mainstream media has not done a good job on the matter. We ought to do a lot more, particularly the TV channels,” he added.

Echoing his thoughts on the topic, Pawan Verma said, “In my opinion, I feel that the idea of India is being threatened. Article 370 was a temporary provision in the constitution. To create a new Union Territory, which was done eventually, the procedure adopted was deceptive. BJP made no secret that should they come to power, there will be a disintegration of the state. Sense of normalcy, increasing tourist fall is not hiding the true sense of alienation of the Kashmiri people. There is a need of restoration of the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir. Elections need to be conducted quickly. From 2019 to 2023, what has been done there, why the elections are not happening, these are the points that need to be addressed. We need to have democratic elections over there and move forward. There is no need to rewind the clock.”

AS Dulat, former Chief of the Research and Analysis wing (R&AW) said, “Mehbooba Mufti is Kashmir. I have just been an observer for a long period of time. When the Article 370 was revoked, I spoke against it and there were other people as well that did speak for Kashmir. It is a sad story to see what is happening there. Unless you feel what a Kashmiri is going through, one will not know what is happening there? Yes, in a certain context, it has been successful. There has been peaceful law and order situation but that is not the issue. There is a political issue, and we need to address it politically while keeping the emotions of the people of Kashmir in our mind. Mehboob Mufti is like a pillar and if unity survives in the mainstream, there is hope ahead. It is togetherness that is important.”

Please find the pictures of Ms. Mehbooba Mufti attached with this email.


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