Delhi: In a significant political development, former BJP MLA Anil Jha joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) shortly after senior AAP leader Kailash Gahlot announced his resignation. Arvind Kejriwal welcomed the ex-BJP legislator during a public event. Jha is a two-time MLA from Kirari constituency in North West Delhi.
A Change of Political Allegiances
Switching over to AAP, says Jha, is a strategic step to consolidate the party’s presence in BJP-dominated areas. The most important reason behind his decision, according to Jha, was that AAP remained committed to the Purvanchali community. Speaking about Kejriwal, he said that the latter had invested huge resources in developing infrastructure in unauthorized colonies and ensuring every possible facility in deprived areas, including clean drinking water.
Kailash Gahlot’s Resignation
Kailash Gahlot’s resignation from AAP created waves in the political scenario of Delhi. He believed unfulfilled promises and recent controversies made him leave AAP. The time when Gahlot left AAP witnessed the entry of Jha into AAP, which reflects the inner changes that occur within Delhi politics.
Kejriwal’s Condemnation of BJP
During the event, Kejriwal criticized opposition parties, particularly the BJP, for neglecting the Purvanchali community. He highlighted AAP’s achievements in areas like road construction and water pipeline installations in unauthorized colonies. Kejriwal also challenged the BJP’s track record, questioning their contributions to marginalized communities in Delhi.
Implications for Upcoming Elections
Jha’s induction could bolster AAP’s vote bank among Purvanchalis in the national capital. Ahead of municipal and assembly elections, it can change the political equation and strategy in the national capital.
This again marks a shifting trend in Delhi’s political scenario, with AAP set to play the right socio-economic emancipator among its grassroots development agenda
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