Canada’s Counter Threat To US

Lal Krishna Advani 2025 01 10T151943.664

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is to remain in office for more than two months as
he has already submitted his resignation brings to light in his recent interview that US President
Donald Trump is a very tough negotiator and by releasing threats of merging Canada into the
US, he is trying to silence that talks of him US imposing high tariffs i.e 25% on Canada and
other countries.

Trudeau Threat To US As A Counter Reaction

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has also released counter-threats that if Trump goes
ahead and imposes heavy tariffs on Canadian goods then Canada will not take it at face value.
Canada will retaliate and the Canadian exports of oil, gas, electricity, steel, aluminum, lumber,
and concrete to the US will also face a rise in price because they will also increase tariffs on

Ill Effects On Both Economies

Trump’s plans and motives behind his actions are unclear and confusing. But as per the facts on
the surface, Trump wants Canada to increase its border security so there are no loopholes and
this will decrease immigrants coming from Canada as the US has no tolerance policy for illegal
immigrants. Since he came back in power, many illegal immigrants ran off and many have
already been deported.

The worst of all is that this tariff war will adversely affect both the country’s economy and if
another pandemic is on the verge then this is surely not the time where any country can take
risks on a worsening economy.

Are Trump’s Threats Led To Trudeau’s Downfall?

No, we can not say so because last time when Trump and Trudeau were in power the US-
Canada’s relations were good and they worked in coordination for the welfare of both countries.

Trudeau has also proposed an offer to work together again for the next two months. This seems
like a beacon of hope as due to Trudeau’s resignation and multiple threats by Trump West
seems to be on the opposite side of economic cooperation, global peace, and sustainable

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