New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Saturday slammed the Aam Aadmi Party and its chief Arvind Kejriwal, terming the AAP as “Avaidh Aamdaniwali Party” or the “Party of Illegal Earnings”. Amit Shah said this at a political rally, where he held AAP responsible for corruption and the black money it expended on public funds just for the sake of governance.
Allegations Made by Amit Shah
Amit Shah accused the AAP leadership of perpetuating widespread financial misappropriation at the cost of public good for personal benefit. “The party which promised Aam Aadmi is turning out to be Avaidh Aamdaniwali party. They are misusing money meant for common person, and scams are so prevalent in the governance,” stated Shah.
He further criticized the Kejriwal government for alleged mismanagement in areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure by saying that these achievements are mere PR stunts.
Focus on Liquor Policy Controversy
The Home Minister also brought up the issue of alleged Delhi excise policy irregularities, which is one of the main controversial issues under which AAP leaders are accused. “The liquor scam is just one example of their corruption. Instead of working for the people, they are busy filling their own pockets,” he said.
Counter by AAP
The Aam Aadmi Party was quick to respond to Shah’s accusations. Arvind Kejriwal, while addressing a press conference, dismissed the allegations as baseless and politically motivated. “When you can’t compete with us on development, you resort to such name-calling. This is nothing but a diversion from the real issues facing the nation,” Kejriwal retorted.
The AAP leaders drew attention to their party’s achievement in education, healthcare, and public welfare, and said that this work speaks for itself.
Political Fallout
Shah’s speech ignited a political word war:
BJP Supporters. Shah’s words encouraged BJP supporters, who termed AAP as hypocritical and” Double Standards”.
AAP Allies. The AAP party along with its allies, has supported this party. Followers have termed it as an offensive against AAP, which is gaining popularity.
Public Response
The allegations have divided public opinion. While a few feel the BJP’s accusations against AAP necessitate accountability, others believe this is a political mud-slinging that precedes polls.
The sharp criticisms by Amit Shah against AAP being the “Avaidh Aamdaniwali Party” have further strengthened the political confrontation between BJP and AAP. As elections are nearing, the exchange betrays the intensified tension between the two parties, forcing voters to settle on which side of it, the tale they would believe in.
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