New Delhi: Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal has warned the voters that voting for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the upcoming elections could bring back regular power cuts into their lives. Speaking at a rally in the capital, Kejriwal said that by pressing the “Kamal ka Button,” the BJP’s election symbol, long power outages would return. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claims to have eradicated such long power cuts during its period.
Kejriwal’s Statement
Speaking to a crowd, Kejriwal said, “The AAP government has ensured 24×7 free and uninterrupted electricity for the people of Delhi. But the moment you press the Kamal ka Button, the dark days of 8-10 hour power cuts will return. This is not just a warning but a reality based on the BJP’s governance record.”
Targeting BJP’s Governance
Kejriwal attacked the BJP for its alleged inefficiency in managing electricity supply in states under its rule. He said, “Look at states where the BJP is in power. Power cuts are rampant, and people are paying high electricity bills. In Delhi, we’ve given you relief by making electricity affordable and reliable.”
Achievements of AAP in Power Sector
The Delhi CM pointed out the achievements of his government in the power sector as follows:
1. Free Electricity: Up to 200 units for households.
2. Uninterrupted Supply: Reduction in outages across the city.
3. Modern Infrastructure: Investments in transformers, substations, and power lines.
BJP’s Response
Reacting to Kejriwal’s remarks, BJP Delhi President Virendra Sachdeva dismissed the claims as fear-mongering. “Kejriwal is misleading voters with baseless allegations. The BJP believes in development, and we will ensure uninterrupted power supply if we come to power in Delhi,” he said.
Public Reaction
This statement has ignited a debate among Delhiites. AAP supporters welcomed Kejriwal’s warning as a reminder of the party’s track record, while BJP supporters called it a desperate attempt to divert attention from governance failures in other sectors.
Just before the Delhi elections, Kejriwal’s warning regarding power cuts added another layer to the battle in the arena of politics. Being a major concern for the electorates, AAP and BJP are bound to increase their campaign to garner people’s trust on this very issue.
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