Yoga for Pcos & Infertility

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder associated with the hormonal or endocrine system of the female reproductive system. There are few studies conducted in India that indicate 10% of Indian women suffer from this disorder. Diagnosis at the correct time and awareness about the disorder can help prevent this infertility syndrome. This is an emerging health problem occurring during adolescence. Awareness about healthy lifestyle, dietary discipline, and regular exercise are required for prevention and better management of the disease. Yoga healing for overcoming PCOS & infertility helps to take care of holistic health.

Causes & Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS is a condition where the ovaries have multiple small cysts. Hence it is called polycystic ovarian syndrome. The cysts are not detrimental but lead to hormonal imbalances. Unhealthy lifestyles, wrong food habits and lack of exercise are some common contributing factors towards the illness.


• Women with PCOS have irregular or missed periods (as a result of not ovulating.)
• Weight gain and obesity that becomes difficult to manage.
• Fatigue is experienced and low energy levels. (Related to poor sleep)
• Unwanted hair growth (also known as hirsutism). Excess hair growth may be seen on the face, arms, chest, back, and abdomen.
• Hair thinning on the head or sudden hair loss related to PCOS may increase in middle age.
• Hormonal changes can lead to uncontrolled acne problems. Other skin problems can occur such as skin tags and dark patches of skin.
• Mood swings, depression, and anxiety.
• Pelvic pain may occur during PMS (periods,) along with heavy bleeding or spotting
• Hormonal changes can cause headaches.
• Sleep disorder “sleep apnea” is related to PCOS. In sleep apnea, an individual will stop breathing for short periods of time.

In severe cases, hormonal therapy or birth control pills are prescribed. But Yoga the ancient art and science of healing is the key to prevent the disorder and manage the symptoms of PCOs effectively.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices & Dietary Discipline

1. In many cases, a small amount of weight loss helps to balance out the hormonal system and this helps to regularize the menstrual cycle.
2. Healthy routines of early to bed and eating on correct time helps. (Avoid late night parties and junk food.)
3. Eat your food slowly and chew your food properly.
4. Women who smoke have high levels of (male hormone) androgens than women who don’t smoke. Quit smoking.
5. Opt for organic foods. Eat a balanced diet that comprises of lots of seasonal fruits, green vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
6. Get into a routine of regular yoga exercise to help you control or lose weight.
7. Individuals suffering from PCOS should care about their emotional wellness. All disease manifest in the mind. They should learn to manage their anger and try to accept things, people and situation as they are!

Yoga Therapy

Yoga advocates “Prevention is better than cure” But in case the illness has progressed effective management is possible.

Yoga Asana– The poses recommended gives abdominal compression and gently massages the internal organs. These help to tone the internal organs functioning and improve blood circulation. The yoga asana suggested massage the digestive organs and improves gastrointestinal balance and their functions. Yoga poses are effective in weight loss and keep the metabolism in check.

Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

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  • Pranayama– Pranayama yoga helps to enhance the oxygenated blood supply to the brain which in turn helps to restore the hormonal balance.
  • Kapal Bhati pranayama (Skull Shining Breathing technique), 
  • Nadi Shodhan pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing technique),
  • Relaxation– Stress has a negative impact on PCOS symptoms. It is necessary to relax the mind so as to keep the cortisol levels under control. Cortisol levels (testosterone) are responsible for weight gain. Hence conscious relaxation technique-Shavasana helps in calming the entire body and mind and helps to alleviate stress.
  • Shavasana
  • Sasankasana(child pose)
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  • Surya namaskar
  • Bhramari Pranayama
  • Nadi sodhan Pranayama
Surya Namaskar Nadisodhan Pranayama

Slow-paced Surya Namaskars practiced with mantra chanting will have a calm and soothing effect.

Since stress is believed to be one of the major factors of PCOS. meditation keeps the mind calm, relaxed and alleviates everyday stress. Chanting ‘Om’ every day for a few minutes also helps. After chanting, feel that it is getting healed. Let the positive vibrations of chanting have a stimulating effect on the PCOS. Yoga Nidra also works well, in reducing stress and calming you down. It also works like a power nap for PCOS patients who find it difficult to sleep at night.Practicing Yoga helps develop the body and mind

Dr Sujata Panda

Dr. Sujata Panda
PhD in Yoga, DNYS, N.D.,
Gold medallist,
Founder of Su-Ham Foundation
Owner of Viroga Virtual Clinic


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