Interesting Facts – 29 June 2024

Home Remedies To Stop Loose Motions


Why can’t we see 🧐the details of an object far away?

Not being able to see objects in the distance is a condition called ‘ Myopia ’ and is commonly known as nearsightedness.

Causes of Nearsightedness Nearsightedness can also be caused by a cornea (clear layer at the front of the eye) that’s not shaped correctly. These two problems prevent light from focusing directly on the retina. Instead, light focuses in front of the retina, which makes distant objects appear blurry.



Bury the hatchet

End a quarrel and make peace



Wed x Divorce, Separate


Wed = Marry, combine

Home Remedies To Stop Loose Motions (Diarrhoea)

A glass of lukewarm water. Two teaspoons apple cider vinegar (सेब का सिरका) A teaspoon of honey

3. Drinking of Coconut Water.

4. Eating raw bananas

5. A cup of boiled water with One teaspoon of cumin seeds जीरा

6. Two teaspoons of ginger juice with honey.

7. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder दालचीनी with Honey and A cup of lukewarm water

7. Sugar Syrup: Having a cup of sugar syrup can fight the symptoms of loose motions.

8. Half table spoon Fenugreek Seeds मेथी के दानें with water

However, if you have loose motions for over a week, it can be worrisome and would require immediate medical attention.

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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