Interesting Facts – 24 May 2024 2024 05 24T100436.404

Why do bulls hate red?

Bulls don’t hate the color red it is a proven fact that they only see in Blues and Yellows. They only react to the red cape because of the movements that flutter around. Bulls, along with all other cattle, are color-blind to red.

💁🏻‍♂‍ GK TODAY

Kathakali is the dance of Kerala

Kuchipudi : Andhra

Bharatanatyam is a dance of Tamil Nadu
Bachendri Pal (born 24 May 1954) is an Indian mountaineer, who in 1984 became the first Indian woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest.She is awarded the third highest civilian award Padma Bhushan by Government of India in 2019.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too

You can’t have everything
Despair x Hope


Baffle – bewilder, confuse


Neem tree . The bark, leaves, and seeds are used to make medicine. Less frequently, the root, flower, and fruit are also used.

Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. The leaf is also used for birth control and to cause abortions.

The bark is used for malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain, and fever.

The flower is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating intestinal worms.

The fruit is used for hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, urinary tract disorders, bloody nose, phlegm, eye disorders, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy.

Neem twigs are used for cough, asthma, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, low sperm levels, urinary disorders, and diabetes. People in the tropics sometimes chew neem twigs instead of using toothbrushes, but this can cause illness; neem twigs are often contaminated with fungi within 2 weeks of harvest and should be avoided.

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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