Interesting Facts – 20 March 2025

Tulsi Gabbard 70

What is the scientific reason behind tying a black thread on the waist from health view point. 

Mostly in southern part of India, people follow the custom of tying a black thread around their waist is known as tagdi in north and as Araijan kayiru/Molathadu in south. 

A Black thread on waist helps to keep balancing the weight and waist size under control by improving digestion. If it becomes loose means your weight is lost, if it becomes tight means that you have gained the weight. It also provides support to lumber Spine, When we breath in &, breath out, pressure of waist thread improves intestinal strength and makes to eliminate our body waste like urine and food waste properly.
 Which also avoids diseases like gastric, piles and etc.

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GandhiJi : Fulname Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 

Karamchand Gandhi (father) 

Putlibai Gandhi (mother) 
Kasturba Gandhi (Wife) 
Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas & Devdas (Children) 
 Om Prakash Verma (20 March 1937 – 8 December 2015) was an Indian administrator.

He was the Governor of Punjab (2003–04), Governor of Haryana (briefly during July 2004), Chief Justice of the Kerala High Court and the Chairman of the Himachal Pradesh Human Rights Commission
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Marigold is used traditionally in the area of wound healing. Rubbed on burns, scrapes and irritated skin, marigolds provide relief.
Marigold has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can help in eradicating wrinkles, pimples etc. … For this, just soak the marigold flower petals in a cup of warm water for 10 minutes. Filter it and clean the face daily with cotton. This water acts as a natural skin tonner.

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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