Interesting Facts – 18 August 2024

Hibiscus Tea 15

Why do cars/ vehicles outside of India have the steering wheel on the left side?* 

India, being a former British colony, inherited the left-hand side of the road and right-hand side of the car as the steering-wheel side. … Hence, a driver sitting on left side in the car will have a better appreciation of the traffic coming from opposite.

Left-om Britain in 1835. Countries which were part of the British Empire followed suit. This is why to this very day, India, Australia and there former British colonies in Africa go left. … It wasn’t until Napoleon conquered the Netherlands that the Dutch started driving on the right.

💁🏻♂‍ GK TODAY 

Father of Indian Cinema, Dadasaheb Phalke released the first ever full-length feature film ‘Raja Harishchandra’ in 1913. The silent film was a commercial success. Dadasaheb was not only the producer but was also the director, writer, cameraman, editor, make-up artist and art director. Raja Harischandra was the first-ever Indian film which was screened in London in 1914
 Nirmala Sitharaman (born 18 August 1959) is an Indian politician of the (BJP), who is currently serving as the Minister of Finance and Minister of Corporate Affairs.

Sitharaman formerly served as the Defence Minister of India, thereby becoming India’s second female defence minister and also the second female finance minister after Indira Gandhi and first full-time female Finance Minister.
BITE YOUR TONGUE – To avoid talking
Blunt × Keen

Blunt: Dull 



1. Drink Water. Inadequate hydration may lead you to develop a headache.

2. Get Adequate Sleep

3. Head Massage may be able to reduce chronic pain as well as ease muscle tension that causes headaches.

4. If ,you have a migraine, place a cold pack on your forehead. Ice cubes wrapped in a towel, a bag of frozen peas, or even a cold shower may lessen the pain.

5. Tension-related headaches can sometimes be relieved with regular breathing exercises that help focus your mind and ease your muscles.

6. The warmth and comfort of a steaming cup of herbal tea makes it an excellent way to wind down at night.

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Pooja Kumari Ms. Pooja,

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