House of Disabled

House of Disabled

“Sometimes real superheroes live in the hearts of small children fighting big battles” House of Disabled is a two-storeyed building on the outskirts of the town. It is the home and school for twenty-one disabled children with four caretakers and wild weeds and two chickens with four baby chicks.

There are five rooms on the ground floor: one for girls, one for boys, one classroom, one washroom, and one kitchen. They are rarely in their rooms for the darkness is immense there.

So, they are either sprawling, crawling, or playing with the wide silent ground. They hear sounds in emptiness. And they talk by flapping in the wind while we speak words and deal with misunderstandings.

I wonder what their penance is: growing up in the dirt without a teacher or being abandoned by their parents. But the beauty is they ask for nothing, content in their world. The world was forced on them not because they treated us badly but because we cannot treat them well. We see them as burdens and a curse.

The problem is not with the disabled people but rather with our disabled mentality which is incapable of accepting them as they are. And instead of sharing our space and joy with them, we dump them in some separate corner of the city to be taken care of from the Government budget or at the mercy of kind social hearts.

What are we doing?
Where are we going?
When did things start to get this worse?

They are children after all with a heart and soul. So, they can’t hear the words that we say but they hear us. They can’t see our faces but they can sense our presence.

They don’t ask for much, just a little joy from their own plate. And if we come together and work for the cause then, we can bring a great deal of change in their lives.

Thank You!

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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