тАЬSteam in an open space would just simply scatter in different directions. Steam contained in an
engine can move a whole train. Success comes from One-pointedness and Constancy of Aim
and Effort.тАЭ~ Master Choa Kok Sui
After COVID-19, people worldwide are becoming more conscious and aware of their mental and
emotional health. This further has led them to study and practice philosophies and spirituality.
Spirituality is the science of how to manage the body, mind, emotions, and thoughts so that an
individual can lead a balanced life during ups and downs and eventually lead his/ her life to its
fullest potential.
The most popular benefits of meditation are good sleep, pleasant mood, less stress,
mindfulness, increased focus, concentration, and memory. But some less-known benefits of
meditation are changing you forever.
They are the following:
Descent Of Knowledge:
It is important to understand that not everything can be taught in the class i.e. all spiritual
teachings. It is only 5% knowledge that can be given or taught in the form of meditations and
spiritual practices to a spiritual seeker through gurus on the planet Earth. The remaining 95%
have to be downloaded directly through the higher beings and God during the meditation.
Once you remain consistent in your spiritual practices for more than 90 days, you will start
experiencing daily miracles in life and you will be shocked if you are aware of the words that
come out of your mouth and the deeds you perform. It will feel like the Gods are working
through you.
Everything in the cosmos is already happening through a divine plan but now, you will be aware
of your part in it as you have opened your soul for service.
Guidance During Difficult Situation:
In situations where other people might break, you will find yourself standing with hope, faith, and
strength and analyzing when will this storm end and how to make it end quickly. It simply means
that you wonтАЩt be swapped up in the problem rather be detached from it and deal with it.
Rise Of Kundalini Energy:
As you are consistent in your practices, there will be a gradual rise in the kundalini energy, and
with years or months of practice, you will achieve divine union and experience what Buddha
experienced once.
Strength To Better Handle Crisis:
You will be guided by God himself during these times through maybe with a vision, inner voice,
guts, or through someone, some quote, book, or anything. But you will not find yourself alone in
this difficult time and you will find yourself filled with divine strength to keep calm and keep going
until the crisis is resolved. Such is divine power.
Charisma In Aura (Magnetic Personality):
Your aura will become magnetic and wherever you go or whomever you visit, you will inspire
them and your words will be kind, compassionate, and soothing. Your life will be a beacon of
hope for people.
Therefore, you must meditate and meditate daily so you can manifest the exceptional divine
possibilities that you are capable of.
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