

It is a backbend that stretches the whole front of the body . Its name comes from the Sanskrit words “ustra” (meaning “camel”) and “asana” (meaning “pose”).

It is often done as preparation poses for other deeper backbends .

It has many physical and emotional benefits .

Stretches the entire front of the body, the ankles, thighs and groins,

When we bend backwards , the entire frontal area is stretched  not just the abdomen , chest or thorax but also one’s thighs and ankles .

Stretches the deep hip flexors (psoas)

Hip flexors  are an important part of the anatomy and their proper health should never be ignored . Ustrasana is an amazing asana for excellent stretch in hip flexors

Strengthens back muscles

In our present lifestyle back muscles are not very much used which leads to its weakening. Over time that creates a lot of problems and hospital visits. Daily doing this asana will  help in strengthening back muscles.

Improves posture

Sitting long hours on a desk deteriorates posture. The poster is a crucial thing for our health that controls the aesthetic and the physical aspects of the body. This asana helps improve our  posture.


We all are aware  of the rising anxiety problems in our society. Ustrasana helps calm the nervous system. It brings  relief in people’s minds .  The fatigue of daily life is released through this asana .

There is a video on our channel Saachi baat on YouTube that teaches how to do this asana  . So u can learn and reap the benefits .

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Malvika Tiwari Malvika Tiwari,

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