

(Also called Ugräsana or Brahmacharyāsana) Paschima literally means the west. It implies the back of the whole body from the head to the heels. The anterior or eastern aspect is the from of the body from the face down to the toes. The crown of the head is the upper or northern aspect while the soles and heels of the feet form the lower or southern aspect of the body. In this asana the back of the

Whole body is intensely stretched, hence the name. Ugra means formidable, powerful and noble. Brahmacharya means religious study, self-restraint and celibacy.


1. Sit on the floor with the legs stretched straight in front. Place the palms on the floor by the side of the hips. Take a few deep breaths.

2. Exhale, extend the hands and catch the toes. Hold the right big toe between the right thumb and the index and middle fingers and likewise the left big toe.

3. Extend the spine and try to keep the back concave. To start with the back will be like a hump. This is due to stretching the spine only from the area of the shoulders. Learn to bend right from the pelvic region of the back and also to extend the arms from the shoulders. Then the hump will disappear and the back will become flat . Take a few deep breaths.

4. Now exhale, bend and widen the elbows, using them as levers, pull the trunk forward and touch the forehead to the knees.
Gradually rest the elbows on the floor, stretch the neck and trunk, touch the knees with the nose and then with the lips.

Source :bks iyenagar (light on yoga)


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