Around 55% Of Obese Children Become Obese In Adolescence, Around 80% Of Obese Adolescents Will Be Obese In Adulthood: Warns Doctor 2024 05 24T134401.296

Mumbai: Generation XL Obesity Foundation has been instrumental in creating awareness regarding childhood obesity and improving the quality of life of children. To mark World Child Obesity Day (WCOD), the foundation has organized a discussion session consisting of eminent personalities such as Dr Sanjay Borude, Founder, Generation XL Obesity Foundation. Shri Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chief Minister Of Maharashtra, Shri Raj Thackeray, MNS Chief. The logo of the Generation XL Obesity Foundation was also unveiled on this occasion.

Obesity is king of all diseases, the endogenous causes of it are genetics, disease, and pregnancy while exogenous factors are lifestyle, sleep, stress, and gut microbiome. Currently, a large number of children eat calorie-rich food which tantalizes their taste buds and gains weight. However, obesity not only causes weight gain but psychological burden on the child by increasing anxiety, depression, social isolation, eating disorders, mood disorders, and developmental issues. Generation XL Obesity Foundation was started two years ago by Dr. Sanajy Borude to celebrate World Child Obesity Day (WCOD) on May, 22 and create awareness through various initiatives such as the Free Web Portal Dedicated Helpline for Childhood Obesity, Generation XL-Book for the prevention and management of child obesity. Now, the Generation XL Obesity Foundation has taken a pivotal step by organizing an interactive session to further tackle this problem and save lives.

“Obesity is the mother of most of the preventable diseases. It is a self-diagnosable disease that is on the rise globally. According to the World Obesity Atlas, 51% will be obese by 2035. However, 87% of doctors are unaware of treating childhood obesity. Timely intervention is essential as obese child=obese adult. Around 55% of obese children go on to be obese in adolescence, around 80% of obese adolescents will be obese in adulthood and around 70% will be obese over age 30. Lack of awareness about the causes and management of obesity is the most important factor that should be taken into consideration. Recognizing the severity of obesity in children, Generation XL Obesity Foundation has given a second lease of life to many children struggling with obesity from the age of 11 months old to 17 years old. The goal is to prevent the progression of obesity from mild to moderate to severe. To create further awareness, our foundation is organizing ‘CMEs with Diagnostics’ nationwide and having the IMA and MMC accredited speakers as the faculty to address the child obesity issue. Obesity can be deadly but preventable. No child is fat alone. Children should be encouraged to eat a well-balanced diet, exercise daily, and take medication,” said Dr. Sanjay Borude, Founder, Gen XL Obesity Foundation.

“In Maharashtra, we get to see two extremes, one is underweight and malnourished children which is also a matter of concern and has been tackled by the Government. Now, child obesity is growing in children due to urban lifestyle. Through Ayushman Bharat Yojana initiated by PM Modi, pregnant women should take care and the journey of the child to adolescence should be monitored for timely intervention. Even the Central Government is organizing awareness programs for obesity such as Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram for kids who have hit puberty are being focused on. If we can help them stay healthy then the future generation will be healthy. Child obesity is a problem and the Government is ensuring that at least two teachers should be trained in school who will have thorough knowledge regarding child obesity, nutrition, and other schemes. They should be able to identify kids progressing to obesity and the kids’ parents should be counseled. This bigger initiative will be implemented in schools all over India. Schools should make the PT period compulsory for children. Schools without a playground should not be permitted, and the activities have also been made part of the curriculum. Mentioning calorie counts for food served in restaurants will be compulsory to know the calorie intake for creating awareness. In another move by the FSSAI, the manufacturers will have to mention all the nutrition information on the packaged food. Children will be encouraged to go from fast food to superfoods such as millet. So, alternate food in the form of superfood should be given to children,” said Shri Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chief Minister Of Maharashtra.

“Parents like to keep their children healthy and chubby but they don’t understand that being chubby itself means obesity. It is the responsibility of the doctor to educate parents and find ways to create awareness. Schools should ensure that they provide nutritious food as many children tend to eat unhealthy food in canteens. People were healthy when they were eating home-cooked food,” said Shri Raj Thackeray, MNS Chief.

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