

““It’s not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place because it frees you.”” -Tyler Perry

Forgiveness as simple and silent as this word sounds ironic is one of the most difficult virtues to practice. But the important question here is to ask why we should forgive those who in some way harm or cause us pain.

Isn’t it much easier to hold a grudge and carry the poison of hatred in our hearts? The truth is we all commit mistakes as humans. None of us are perfect. In our fits of anger, fear, resentment, frustration, and anxiety, we say or do things that otherwise we would not have done.

And it is equally true that upon realization, we feel guilty about it and ask for forgiveness. But again, there is no sure guarantee when the realization will dawn upon us and if we are courageous enough to ask for forgiveness.

That is why it is often said that it takes a strong person to ask for forgiveness and even a stronger person to forgive.

Why should we forgive? If we have gone through some traumatizing experience in the past and are still holding on to it then, healing is never possible. We must forgive others whether they are friends or enemies in order to liberate ourselves. Because by not forgiving them, we are only keeping ourselves trapped in the past. And it is harming us and blocking the healing process.

Forgiveness is therapeutic in nature. By forgiving others and ourselves, we evolve and become better people.

If we reflect in tranquility, we will end in death. Death will strip us away from all possessions, titles, money, acquisitions, relationships, and people, and the only thing that we will carry with us is our soul.

The soul is invisible but it is what makes us us, not emotions, not thoughts, not ideas. Thus, it is important to keep our souls healthy and healed. And in order to heal ourselves and others, we must forgive. So, we can live a life of abundance, happiness, and grace.

Here is a Prayer of Forgiveness for Kindness, Clarity, and Mercy:

(Mentally visualize the people that you want to forgive and repeat this prayer 7 times.)


I salute the divinity within you,
I salute the Atma within you,
we all are children of God,
we all are created by Him,
We all are children of Parabrahman.

We all are evolving,
We all make mistakes.
I forgive all the mistakes
you have done to me.
I ask forgiveness for all the mistakes
I have done to you.

The blessings of Parabrahman be with you.
Thank you for reducing my negative karma.
Thank you for working out my negative karma.
Atma Namaste.
Go in peace!

(Feel compassion for that person.
Bless that person with peace and love.)

This is how the world will heal, by forgiveness.


Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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