Fear of Loss

Fear of Loss

Staring empty at the blank page
for hours and playing with
the pen’s lid, I realize how long
I was gone!

My mind is empty,
my voice is merely a whisper,
my words have lost
their meanings.

But at least, my family is
fed and yet, alive. Till yesterday,
I had no clue which one
among them will
make it to the morning.

It was one cold- dreary- night,
running from one room to another
with the bowl of cold water, cloth
piece and thermometer.

I pray even my enemies don’t
have to go through it.

Because loss is painful
but the fear of loss is
excruciating. It tears the
heart open in two and
lets it bleed
until it dries

Stay with
Prerna 🙂

Prerna Gupta


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