Energy Time Management

Lal Krishna Advani 2025 01 10T151033.320

Well, the truth is that everyone, including entrepreneurs, leaders, shopkeepers, and students,
has only 24 hours in the day, and no matter how much one wishes otherwise, it is not going to
change. So, your primary focus should be on how you can achieve the maximum in the least
possible time. Another way to say the same thing is the return on investment.
Hence, this article will help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, and grey areas where you
can make leaps and bounds of development and produce excellent results in your field of study
or work.

Analyse Your Current Schedule

The first and foremost step is to sit and write down your current habits and timetable, then
categorize the items in three different lists: one that is of utmost significance, another that is
important and needs to be done, then a third category that is relatively less significant than the
other two.

But remember to finish all that is on that list and perhaps even take time for recreational
activities, sports, meditation, or your hobby.

Find Your Peak Hours:

So, now that you have a list of the most important tasks to be done today, identify your peak
hours, which means the hours when you are bursting with energy, and know that whatever you
sit to do at this, it will be a great success.

For example, for me, it is 7 am to 9 am, then 11 am to 1 pm, then 4 to 6:30 pm, and then 7 to
9:30 pm. These are the hours that my mind is not smuggling and showing zest for learning new

Once you find your peak hours, jot down the priority works beside them and it will help you finish
them without any procrastination.

Reduce Time On Routine Activities

The last and most effective way to have more hours in your hand is by reducing time on routine
activities like eating, and maintenance. Set a time, then you will know that you waste a lot of
unnecessary minutes away at these activities. If you have not been regulating it then it will be
around 2-3 hours a day which is way too much a waste!

So, be smart and identify where you can excel, this will help you attain your maximum potential

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